John deere offers several solutions for you to safely maintain, diagnose and repair your equipment.
Customer service advisor is a digital diagnostic tool that allows users to connect to their machines, to clear and refresh codes, take diagnostic readings and perform limited calibrations customer service advisor has brought to us a way to look at all this new equipment from the inside out lets us look in it when we have an issue instead of just guessing and going about it like an old school way of doing it. It’s a modern way of working on equipment. When a machine comes in or has an issue, we can look up all the previous codes in it address issues such as overheating running out of fuel running low on depth, not doing proper regens on us. So we can keep our operators informed of how to operate. That piece of equipment it helps us to be more efficient at what we do. Just like that tractor out there it’s a 61, 25 m, the turbo actuator went out on it and I got on service advisor pulled codes on it. I was able to diagnose that code in a way to where it could clear the code and the track could go through a region, and you know, and get back to work. Customer service advisor was brought to us by our local dealer um with them. They helped us get it. They coached us how to use it showed us all the basic formats of it and it’s pretty simple to use. If you understand that process, it just helps you maintain your equipment, better access, all the information on it and properly maintain it gives you the opportunity to do all your own repairs really.
Well, I’m still learning on how to you know fully use customer service advisor, but yeah man, I mean there’s a plethora of things that you could really do on there. You know so every day is something you learn something new that you could actually use on customer service advisor. I would recommend it to somebody else for more information on custom, diy parts and service solutions, visit, repair or your john deere dealer