Good morning and thank you for your time to read this blog!
Today, I’d like to recommend a good drama movie to learn English!
*An episode of another human movie “The bucket list”is here:
The movie I’m going to introduce is entitled “About Schmidt.”
“About Schmidt” is an American dram film in 2002.
In Japanese, it’s known as “
When I first started watching this movie, my first impression was that wow, what a very dark-comedy it is.
However, the story went on, and it turned out that the story of this movie is not only dark , but also interesting.
I mean there is something important we can learn from this movie.
Another good point of this movie is that the main actor’s action, Jack Nicholson as Warren Schmidt, is brilliant.
From English learning point of view, listening is relatively easy, so even beginner English learners can enjoy it with a subtitle!
If you are interested in it, check the trailer on YouTube below!
本日おすすめの映画は“About Schmidt”です。
“About Schmidt”はアメリカの2002年制作のドラマ映画です。
他の良い点としましては、主人公Warren Schmidtを演じるJack Nicholsonの演技が、“さすがベテラン”だと言える点です。
それでは今日の英語での一言:“Check it out!”

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Today, I’d like to recommend a good drama movie to learn English!
*An episode of another human movie “The bucket list”is here:
The movie I’m going to introduce is entitled “About Schmidt.”
“About Schmidt” is an American dram film in 2002.
In Japanese, it’s known as “
When I first started watching this movie, my first impression was that wow, what a very dark-comedy it is.
However, the story went on, and it turned out that the story of this movie is not only dark , but also interesting.
I mean there is something important we can learn from this movie.
Another good point of this movie is that the main actor’s action, Jack Nicholson as Warren Schmidt, is brilliant.
From English learning point of view, listening is relatively easy, so even beginner English learners can enjoy it with a subtitle!
If you are interested in it, check the trailer on YouTube below!
本日おすすめの映画は“About Schmidt”です。
“About Schmidt”はアメリカの2002年制作のドラマ映画です。
他の良い点としましては、主人公Warren Schmidtを演じるJack Nicholsonの演技が、“さすがベテラン”だと言える点です。
それでは今日の英語での一言:“Check it out!”

クリックしていただけますとランキング応援票になります よろしくお願い致します