Good morning and I appreciate your reading this blog!
Today, let’s learn some usual greeting expressions in English.
It’s because of the English education in Japan, a lot of Japanese people use “How are you?” as a typical greeting expression.
Before I studied and lived in Toronto, Canada, I also thought “How are you?” was the most common greeting expression.
However, it turned out “not.”
After I stayed there, I learned that there are several greeting expressions beside “How are you?”
For example, some other common greeting expressions that native English speakers use are the following…
“How’re you doing?”
“How’s everything?”
“How’s your work?”
“How’s your business?”
“How’s your family?
To respond to these greetings, you can say “Pretty good. How about you?” or “Not bad. You?” or something else.
Enjoy a wide variety of English greetings!!
本日は“ How are you?以外のすぐに使える英語での挨拶の表現”です。
日本の英語教育が一旦かとも思いますが、多くの日本人の方は”How are you?”という挨拶の表現を多用します。
自分もトロント・カナダに留学する前までは、同様に”How are you?”が一番使われている挨拶の表現だと思っていました。
トロント・カナダに滞在してからは、”How are you?”以外にいろいろな挨拶の表現を聞く・使う機会が増えました。
“How’re you doing?”
“How’s everything?”
“How’s your work?”
“How’s your business?”
“How’s your family?
これらの挨拶の表現に対して、”I’m fine”の他に”Pretty good. How about you?”や”Not bad. You?”などの表現を続けることができます。
それでは今日の英語での一言:"Enjoy communication with a wide variety of expressions!"
東京田町で英語ならEnglish Plus
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Today, let’s learn some usual greeting expressions in English.
It’s because of the English education in Japan, a lot of Japanese people use “How are you?” as a typical greeting expression.
Before I studied and lived in Toronto, Canada, I also thought “How are you?” was the most common greeting expression.
However, it turned out “not.”
After I stayed there, I learned that there are several greeting expressions beside “How are you?”
For example, some other common greeting expressions that native English speakers use are the following…
“How’re you doing?”
“How’s everything?”
“How’s your work?”
“How’s your business?”
“How’s your family?
To respond to these greetings, you can say “Pretty good. How about you?” or “Not bad. You?” or something else.
Enjoy a wide variety of English greetings!!
本日は“ How are you?以外のすぐに使える英語での挨拶の表現”です。
日本の英語教育が一旦かとも思いますが、多くの日本人の方は”How are you?”という挨拶の表現を多用します。
自分もトロント・カナダに留学する前までは、同様に”How are you?”が一番使われている挨拶の表現だと思っていました。
トロント・カナダに滞在してからは、”How are you?”以外にいろいろな挨拶の表現を聞く・使う機会が増えました。
“How’re you doing?”
“How’s everything?”
“How’s your work?”
“How’s your business?”
“How’s your family?
これらの挨拶の表現に対して、”I’m fine”の他に”Pretty good. How about you?”や”Not bad. You?”などの表現を続けることができます。
それでは今日の英語での一言:"Enjoy communication with a wide variety of expressions!"
東京田町で英語ならEnglish Plus
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