Good morning and I appreciate your visit to English Plus blog.
Today, let's learn some English about the recent news in Japan.
The other morning, when I saw outside from English Plus, I could see quite a lot of people, who were waiting for the traffic light to turn green, wearing masks.
Also, more and more people, who are coming to English Plus, are wearing masks.
Currently in Japan, it's a pollen season and I heard there is a lot of pollen this year.
So, today let's learn English phrases about pollen and so on.
For instance...
・I have a cedar pollen allergy.
・I have a cypress pollen allergy.
・I have hay fever.
・I have a runny nose.
・I have a stuffy nose.
・I have red eyes.
・I can't stop sneezing.
If you have some symptoms above, try to use some!
おはようございます。English Plus英語講師のarataです。
本日は“最近の話題を英語で言ってみよう ~ 花粉症に関する英語表現”です。
先日の朝、English Plusから外を見たところ、信号待ちの多くの人がマスクを着用していました。
また、English Plusに来られる方々も徐々に、マスクをしている方が多くなっている気がします。
・I have a cedar pollen allergy. (スギ花粉症です)
・I have a cypress pollen allergy. (ヒノキ花粉症です)
・I have hay fever. (花粉症です)
・I have a runny nose. (鼻水が止まりません)
・I have a stuffy nose. (鼻が詰まっています)
・I have red eyes. (目が充血しています)
・I can't stop sneezing. (くしゃみが止まりません)
それでは今日の英語での一言:“Are you allergic to pollen?”
東京田町で英語ならEnglish Plus
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Today, let's learn some English about the recent news in Japan.
The other morning, when I saw outside from English Plus, I could see quite a lot of people, who were waiting for the traffic light to turn green, wearing masks.
Also, more and more people, who are coming to English Plus, are wearing masks.
Currently in Japan, it's a pollen season and I heard there is a lot of pollen this year.
So, today let's learn English phrases about pollen and so on.
For instance...
・I have a cedar pollen allergy.
・I have a cypress pollen allergy.
・I have hay fever.
・I have a runny nose.
・I have a stuffy nose.
・I have red eyes.
・I can't stop sneezing.
If you have some symptoms above, try to use some!
おはようございます。English Plus英語講師のarataです。
本日は“最近の話題を英語で言ってみよう ~ 花粉症に関する英語表現”です。
先日の朝、English Plusから外を見たところ、信号待ちの多くの人がマスクを着用していました。
また、English Plusに来られる方々も徐々に、マスクをしている方が多くなっている気がします。
・I have a cedar pollen allergy. (スギ花粉症です)
・I have a cypress pollen allergy. (ヒノキ花粉症です)
・I have hay fever. (花粉症です)
・I have a runny nose. (鼻水が止まりません)
・I have a stuffy nose. (鼻が詰まっています)
・I have red eyes. (目が充血しています)
・I can't stop sneezing. (くしゃみが止まりません)
それでは今日の英語での一言:“Are you allergic to pollen?”
東京田町で英語ならEnglish Plus
クリックしていただけますとランキング応援票になります よろしくお願い致します
If you click this, it means you "cheer me up" in the ranking. Thank you for your cooperation!!