東京港区田町芝浦の英語学校English Plus英語講師ブログ

東京田町の小学生~大人まで『基礎英語力』習得を目指す英語学校English Plus英語講師の英語・日本語表現ブログ

English Plusレッスン受講生にお聞きした【English Plusのいいところ】


2013-03-21 08:14:30 | English Plus英語レッスン受講生のためのレッスン復習トレーニング
Good morning, and thank you for your visit to English Plus blog!
Today, I’d like to recommend a website for learning English.
There are a lot of good points to learn English using websites and one of them is you can enjoy learning English!
There are a lot of interesting websites to learn English and the website I recommend today is a kind of game and it's easy to try!
The website is "DAYS TO LIVE."
*Here is the website - (http://www.diesel.com/daystolive/
It's all English and you need to answer several English questions.
Through these questions, you can know how long you can live!
If you are not used to using English, it might be tough to answer these questions, but just try!
I hope you can learn some English through this website!

おはようございます。English Plus英語講師のarataです。




今日おすすめのウェブは“DAYS TO LIVE”(http://www.diesel.com/daystolive/)です。

“DAYS TO LIVE”は全て英語の質問で、いくつかの英語の質問に答える必要があります。




それでは今日の英語での一言: "Daily practice will strengthen your English muscles!"

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