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ビジネスでも使える英語表現 - ミーティングの場での提案したい時のひとこと英語(英語編)

2013-09-06 07:02:14 | ビジネスでも使える英語&英語表現
Good morning and thank you very much for visiting English Plus blog!!
Today, let's learn some English phrases that can be used in business situations.
There are a lot of business situations we can think of.
One of them is in the meeting.
During business meetings, we sometimes want to suggest something.
When we would like to suggest something in English, there are some expressions we can use and today let's learn some.
For example, during a meeting...
A: "I'm not sure if our presentation is good enough."
B: "I think..."
・we should rehearse it again
・it's better to rehearse it again
・the best thing we can do is to rehearse it again
You can use the phrases in business situations.
In order to use it in business, let's try to practice now!

それでは今日の英語での一言:"Let's have a good weekend!"

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