東京港区田町芝浦の英語学校English Plus英語講師ブログ

東京田町の小学生~大人まで『基礎英語力』習得を目指す英語学校English Plus英語講師の英語・日本語表現ブログ

English Plusレッスン受講生にお聞きした【English Plusのいいところ】


2013-09-22 09:32:30 | 英語講師の日記
Good morning and thank you for visiting English Plus blog!
Today, I'd like to write about an event I took part in as a guest speaker the other day.
The other day, I got an opportunity to talk about my business, English Plus, at Kawaski Kigyoka Juku (Kawasaki entrepreneur workshop) as an entrepreneur.
Though I'm used to teaching English in front of students, I'm not accustomed to giving a speech in front of people.
The last time I gave a speech was about a year ago and I realized that I need to practice giving a speech a lot for the next time!
Anyway, this time, I talked about "what we did before starting English Plus", "hard time", "benefits of doing my own business" and so on.
I guess some contents of my speech were not clear to everyone; however, all of the participants listened to my speech carefully and they asked me a lot of questions. (Thanks a lot!)
Taking part in this workshop was a good opportunity since it reminded me of English Plus' original purposes.
I would like to thank to Mr. Takeuchi, who is a medium and small corporate business consultant and invited me to this event, Ms. Motoki, who was also making a speech as an entrepreneur, all of the participants of Kawasaki Kigyoka Juku, and the staff at Kawasaki Sangyo Shinko Zaidan.
We'll do our best to provide better English lessons, support and service to our students and cafe customers.
When you have a chance to visit Tamachi, please stop by English Plus!

それでは今日の英語での一言:"Let's enjoy English!"

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