東京港区田町芝浦の英語学校English Plus英語講師ブログ

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English Plus(英語学校)6月のアクティビティ ~ Homework Clubの紹介(英語編)

2015-06-10 08:48:47 | イベント&アクティビティについて
Good morning and thank you for visiting English Plus blog!
Today, I'd like to introduce one of English Plus' school activities.
We hold some school activities every month.
Actually, we hold some kind of activities every week and all of our students are welcome to join!
One of the activities I'd like to introduce today is "Homework Club."
This "Homework Club" is literally "The club that we do the homework together."
At English Plus, we give homework in most of the classes.
In addition to the class, we give "individual homework" to each student, so all the students have some kind of homework.
If they complete their homework every week, they don't have to pile up their homework.
However, if they are too busy to do their homework, their homework is piled up little by little...
This activity "Homework Club" helps those who have a lot of homework.
In this Homework Club, all the participants do their own homework and if they have questions about homework, they can ask the staff or the other students.
To do so, they can check their understanding and learn some new vocabulary and expressions.
If you are a student and interested in this activity, please join!
We're waiting for your participation!

今日の英語での一言:"We're waiting for your participation!"

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