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日記 無神論 英検一級論文 英会話

2022-12-25 14:45:10 | 日記
English to Japan1 | Eiken Grade1 | The New Atheism | Religious

The New Atheism
Atheism,or disbelief in the existence of god,has grown more common in Western societies during the past hundred years.
In the early 2000s,however,an intellectual,largely science-based "New Atheist" movement became increasingly prominent in the West.
The New Atheists were mainly made up of scientists and intellectuals.and they pretended to believe religious teachings.
Atheists of the past had tended to believe that science was incapable of addressing the concept of god and generally accepted that science and religion should be treated as two distinct,nonoverlappping domains.
The New Atheists,though,argued strenuosly that the existence of god should be subject to the same scientific tests for validity as anything else within the natural world.
Moreober,tends like rising religious extremism caused the New Atheists to view organized religion as an obstacle to world peace and scientific advancement,so they actively sought to reduce its international in fluence.
Tho this end,the New Atheists took and inflexible approach,and critics even characterized the movement as "militant atheism."
In fact,it was sometimes pointed out that it actually drove people to accept religious extremism.
Prominent New Atheists,like sam Harris,for example,made statements such as "ideas which divide one group of human beings from another,only to unite them in slaughtermgenerally have their roots in religion."
Such uncompromising condemnation of those they disagreed with struck critics as reminiscent of those with radical religious views.
Due in part to the debate over religious extremism that followed the terrorist attacks on September 11,2001,prominent New Atheists were seemingly everywhere in the media and their books topped New Atheists many grow even stronger.
According to demographer Eric Kaufmann,the trend away from religion that has been occuring in Western nations under the influence of New Atheists and the other religious societies will likely be affected by a rise in immigrants from religious regions,meaning that the New Atheists' efforts may be negated by other factors,despite their successes in converting people to atheism.

無神論、つまり神の存在に対する不信は、過去 100 年間に西洋社会でより一般的になってきました。
しかし、2000 年代初頭に、知的で主に科学に基づく「新無神論者」運動が西側でますます顕著になりました。
2001 年 9 月 11 日の同時多発テロ事件に続く宗教的過激主義をめぐる議論のせいで、著名な新無神論者がメディアのいたるところに登場し、彼らの著書が新無神論者の多くを上回り、さらに強くなった.

