
同人誌 動画 プログラム 情報処理 アート グラフィックス 有償 2018年創業

日記 英日翻訳

2023-04-25 23:57:53 | 日記

"I would say that I rarely say this.","こう言う事は滅多にないと言いますが。",,,,,
"Isn't that different?","其れは違いませんか。",,,,,
"You shouldn't.","そうすべきではありません。",,,,,
"how was it made?","どう成されたのですか。",,,,,
"Not only early in the morning, but also late at night.","朝早いだけでなく夜遅いです。",,,,,
"I can't make excuses like that.","そういう言い訳は出来ません。",,,,,
"This is one.","此れは一体。",,,,,
"May I ask your name, please?","宜しければ名前を伺えませんか。",,,,,
"Have some cake.","ケーキをどうぞ。",,,,,
"My first ancestor was a cake shop who was a cooking apprentice.","わたくしの初代先祖は調理実習生であるケーキ屋さんです。",,,,,
"It originated in France more than 2400 BC.","その起源は紀元前2400年以上前のフランスに拠ります。",,,,,
"Based on these grounds, I will make the following assumptions.(サンプションズ)","その根拠に基づき、こう拠ります。",,,,,
"If you don't like it.","嫌だってば。",,,,,
"don't pull.","引っ張らないで。",,,,,
"I don't want to keep up.","ついていきたくないよー。",,,,,
"Oh, I wonder if it can't be done.","あーら、出来ないのかな。",,,,,
"Is this okay?","此れでいいかな。",,,,,
"How did you do it?","如何したのだろう。",,,,,
"It's not in my sight.","眼中に無いんだよ。",,,,,
"Is Shikato a psychological pain?(サイコーロジックペイン)","シカトって心理的苦痛なんですか。",,,,,
"What is this?","此れは一体なんですか。",,,,,
"There is no such thing .","そんな事無いですよ~。",,,,,
"No, don't hesitate.(ハーズイ)","いえ、ご遠慮なく。",,,,,
"I apologize(アポーロジャイズド) as above.(アズアボー)","以上のように申し候。",,,,,
"My name is as before.","わたくしの名前は前の様に申します。",,,,,
"how can i ask.","如何願えますか。",,,,,
"But the truth is different.","しかし事実は違いました。",,,,,
"what do you want.","何が欲しいのですか。",,,,,
"Even if you stay like this.","こう、為さって居られても。",,,,,
"No, I will give my name.","いえ、名を名乗ります。",,,,,
"All the hallucinations(ハールスネーション) say are lies.","幻聴の言っていることは嘘ばかりだ。",,,,,
"It's a hoax.(イッツアホルクース)","でっち上げだ。",,,,,

"It will take a while.","あとちょっとかかります。",,,,,
"What have you been doing so foolishly since a while ago?","何をさっきから馬鹿に為さっているのですか。",,,,,
"who are you.","貴方は誰ですか。",,,,,
"I don't deserve the name.","わたくしは名乗るに値しません。",,,,,
"are you a celebrity","貴方は有名人ですか。",,,,,
"Don't you dare say that?","そう言う事は無しにし様じゃないですか。",,,,,
"I don't understand it at all.","全く意味わかりません。",,,,,
"I wonder if the world is like that.","世の中ってそんな程度なのかな。",,,,,
"The world is very small, isn't it?","世界はとっても狭いんだね。",,,,,
"I want to become a big person.","自分は大人物に成ってみたい。",,,,,
"Would you like to dream?","夢に憧れませんか。",,,,,
"Please don't say horrible things.","恐ろしい事を言わないでくださいよ。",,,,,
"I am from the north side.","わたくしは北側の出身地です。",,,,,
"let's play.","ちゃらにしよう。",,,,,
"No questions asked.","問答無用。",,,,,
"how to operate.","操作の仕方。",,,,,
"new control method.","新しい制御法。",,,,,
"Ordinary formula.","普通式方程式。",,,,,
"Affirmation(アーフォーメーション) of rights.","権利の肯定論。",,,,,
"A positive person.","肯定的な人だ。",,,,,
"don't deny.","否定するな。",,,,,
"You are lying.","嘘ばっか言っている。",,,,,
"What is it?","何なのさ。",,,,,
"So that's how it happened.","それでさ、こう成ったんだ。",,,,,
"What are you singing?","歌って何。",,,,,
"Isn't this the worst as a person?","此れって人として最低じゃないですか。",,,,,
"A big mistake.","偉大な間違えだ。",,,,,
"I don't want it anymore.","もう嫌だ。",,,,,
"Based on my theory.","わたくしの理論に基づきますと。",,,,,

"Let's dare to accept it.","敢えて引き受けるとしよう。",,,,,
"When appraised, this does not reach the equivalent amount.","鑑定すると此れは相当額には達しません。",,,,,
"It's okay to say nothing even if you disagree.","異論があっても何も言ってよくありません。",,,,,
"Carry it lightly.","軽く持成しましょう。",,,,,
"I will treat you.","御馳走しますよ。",,,,,
"Are you joking?","冗談でさっき言っていますか。",,,,,
"This is an unfortunate fact.","不幸な事実に此れは。",,,,,
"Please don't fall in.","陥れないで下さい。",,,,,
"Could you please be more happy?","もっと喜んでくれないかな。",,,,,
"Let's all go together.","みんな一緒に行こう。",,,,,
"destruction rather than reconciliation.","和解ではなく破壊。",,,,,
"I didn't mean to say that.","そう言った意味ではなく。",,,,,
"what do you want.","どんな事を望みますか。",,,,,
"Significance(シーグーニーフィクション) and objection.","意義と異議。",,,,,
"There's no point in doing something like that.","どうしてその様な事する意義なんかない。",,,,,
"Even if viewed negatively.","否定的な見方をされても。",,,,,
"I don't think they will be pleased.","其れは喜んでもらえないと思いますよ。",,,,,
"I think it's better to do this.","もっとこうした方が良いと思う。",,,,,
"What happened earlier?","さっき何があったのですか。",,,,,
"Are you lying?","偽って言っていますか。",,,,,
"What are you kidding me?","何を御冗談を。",,,,,
"shut up.","うるせえ。",,,,,
"Let's go hard.","ガンガン行くぜ。",,,,,
"I was fine.","無事だったぜ。",,,,,
"I hate.","俺は嫌いだ。",,,,,
"Let's live better.","もっと活き良く行こうぜ。",,,,,
"They say they are different.","其れは違うって言うものなんだ。",,,,,
"Everyone was impressed.","みんな感動してたね。",,,,,
"That was good.","それは良かったね。",,,,,
"Do you get it.","分かった。",,,,,
"How are you doing?","如何し様。",,,,,

"I don't think so.","違うんじゃねんだよ。",,,,,
"I'm not your friend.","友達じゃねえ。",,,,,
"Who are you?","誰だというんだよ。",,,,,
"I lost.","負けたんだよ。",,,,,
"I win.","俺の勝ちだぜ。",,,,,
"Let's continue.","これからも続けようぜ。",,,,,

