The basic mono system contains:
1 x Rack Case (4 space)
2 x Alesis Midiverb II's (1 is a spare)
1 x Korg DTR-2000 Digital Tuner
1 x Audiotec DI-Four (4 channel DI unit)
1 x AER Compact 60 amp
1 x 220/240 volt to 110/115 volt step down transformer
** Cables are Laboga and Belden
It's a simple set-up with 3 DI lines out.
A 4th line can be used for right out of the Midiverb if needed.
This set-up isolates the clean guitar signal from the effects signal.
01: Guitar (dry)
02: Alesis Midiverb II - left (FX)
03: AER Compact 60 - line out (amp 1)
This system is 110 volt set-up, but can be used in countries which have 220/240 volt power when plugged into a step down transformer.
Guitar to Tuner input.
Tuner output to DI input channel 1.
DI channel 1 link to Midiverb left in.
Midiverb left output to DI input channel 2.
DI channel 2 link to AER amp input.
AER amp line output to DI channel 3 input.
This is a simple mono set-up.
CH1 - guitar (dry), CH2 - Midiverb left, CH3 - AER amp.
By putting the guitar into the tuner first TE is able to press the MUTE button and tune the guitar in silence if he chooses to.
** The Audiotec DI-Four unit replaced the Behringer Ultra-DI Pro/4000. Hopefully the system is still wired as described above.
Hi there,
Here in Australia TE's system is:
1 x 5 ru floating rack sleeve
1 x LA Audio MD8 DI (8 way)
1 x Alesis MidiVerb II Multi Effects
1 x Korg DTR-2000 Rack Tuner
1 x Boss FS-5L Foot Switch (tuner mute)
1 x Morley ABY Switcher (only when 2 amps are used)
1 x ETA PD8IEC-CE Power Distribution
1 x AER Domino Amp (sometimes 2 are used)
5 sends of audio available to Front Of House Mixer
Channel 1 - Acoustic guitar - (dry signal)
Channel 2 - Alesis MidiVerb II left - (effects)
Channel 3 - Alesis MidiVerb II right - (effects)
Channel 4 - AER Domino Amp 1 - (amp with effects)
Channel 5 - AER Domino Amp 2 - (amp with effects)
All units are powered from the power distribution
All the cable and connectors used to wire the rack and send signal to and from the AER Domino amp are George L 155.
Tommy's guitar lead is either Rapco or Belden.
「ピックアップ」「ニコアース 2CH独立サウンドの作り方」 2009/1/28
1 x Rack Case (4 space)
2 x Alesis Midiverb II's (1 is a spare)
1 x Korg DTR-2000 Digital Tuner
1 x Audiotec DI-Four (4 channel DI unit)
1 x AER Compact 60 amp
1 x 220/240 volt to 110/115 volt step down transformer
** Cables are Laboga and Belden
It's a simple set-up with 3 DI lines out.
A 4th line can be used for right out of the Midiverb if needed.
This set-up isolates the clean guitar signal from the effects signal.
01: Guitar (dry)
02: Alesis Midiverb II - left (FX)
03: AER Compact 60 - line out (amp 1)
This system is 110 volt set-up, but can be used in countries which have 220/240 volt power when plugged into a step down transformer.
Guitar to Tuner input.
Tuner output to DI input channel 1.
DI channel 1 link to Midiverb left in.
Midiverb left output to DI input channel 2.
DI channel 2 link to AER amp input.
AER amp line output to DI channel 3 input.
This is a simple mono set-up.
CH1 - guitar (dry), CH2 - Midiverb left, CH3 - AER amp.
By putting the guitar into the tuner first TE is able to press the MUTE button and tune the guitar in silence if he chooses to.
** The Audiotec DI-Four unit replaced the Behringer Ultra-DI Pro/4000. Hopefully the system is still wired as described above.
Hi there,
Here in Australia TE's system is:
1 x 5 ru floating rack sleeve
1 x LA Audio MD8 DI (8 way)
1 x Alesis MidiVerb II Multi Effects
1 x Korg DTR-2000 Rack Tuner
1 x Boss FS-5L Foot Switch (tuner mute)
1 x Morley ABY Switcher (only when 2 amps are used)
1 x ETA PD8IEC-CE Power Distribution
1 x AER Domino Amp (sometimes 2 are used)
5 sends of audio available to Front Of House Mixer
Channel 1 - Acoustic guitar - (dry signal)
Channel 2 - Alesis MidiVerb II left - (effects)
Channel 3 - Alesis MidiVerb II right - (effects)
Channel 4 - AER Domino Amp 1 - (amp with effects)
Channel 5 - AER Domino Amp 2 - (amp with effects)
All units are powered from the power distribution
All the cable and connectors used to wire the rack and send signal to and from the AER Domino amp are George L 155.
Tommy's guitar lead is either Rapco or Belden.
「ピックアップ」「ニコアース 2CH独立サウンドの作り方」 2009/1/28
2ヶ月ぶりにLine 6 POD X3 Liveを持ち込みました.
2小節程度で… (δ_δ)...ン? って感じ!
曲にあったプリセットが入ってない~! (T.T)
またまた反省です. \(δδ; ) ハンセィ
2ヶ月ぶりにLine 6 POD X3 Liveを持ち込みました.
2小節程度で… (δ_δ)...ン? って感じ!
曲にあったプリセットが入ってない~! (T.T)
またまた反省です. \(δδ; ) ハンセィ