現在制作中の「Proto Type second」は、前回の大阪common cafeの内容からどんどん変わっています。
common cafeの公演以後の自分自身の変化が作品に表れ、それを受けて自分自身がさらに変わっていくような感じを強く受けます。
Currenttly in production "Proto Type second" has rapidly changed from the contents of the Osaka common cafe last.
Previous performance since, I have changed. The change appear in the next work.
And it has been strongly changed feel like going myself futher changes under the influence of the work going.
I feel will be something like something crustal movement in the back of the inner surface without the knowledge of myself is happening.
Chaotic scene has further brush up & strengthening.
Music will also be variations music in put a new sound.
Next week Thursday, Please come to see us to Planet EartH under the Motomachi Kobe elevated.