2015年 12月 2日 /9日/16日 /23日(全て水曜日)
場所・コミスタ神戸 401
TEL 078-251-4731
料金 各1回 2000円 4回チケット6000円
体験 1000円(1回)
予約・問い合わせ ayamiyasuyho.ay@gmail.com
もしくは 090-9165-0871(アキノリ)
講師 秋紀芳慧(あきのり よしえ)
performance group 『ayami yasuyho』主宰。
代表作は「a'y.」「W」「解体(ver0.00&1.00」「[kho of aza]」がある。
サポートアシスタント ダンスミストレス 栃本あずさ
企画・制作 o-th
We are living a representation using the body . Dance , to play , to draw , to write , to birds, to play , to work the body.
It will be held the lessons to go treat the body objectively as your own.
I will control myself from polite breathing . That we will continue to further enhance the body's consciousness from breathing . And I met on the body and my own , you staring at if he 'd like to do .
Coexist with the space surrounding the body and the body , let's learn together such a body .
● the body you want to state 0
● explore the relaxing and tension of the body
● I will carefully breathing
● stand with the necessary force
● make a simple body that can do anything
● it will be in harmony with the air
● To reset the I
● I want to rediscover myself
Wed 18:30 to 20:30 on the 2th/ 9th/ 16th
14:00 to 16:00 on the 23th
2015 December
(18:00 Doors open at reception)
Place Komisuta Kobe 401
〒 651-0076
Chuo-ku, Kobe Azuma 4-chome, 1-6
TEL 078-251-4731
Once each 2000 yen fee
4 times ticket 6000 yen
Experience 1000 yen (1time)
Or 090-9165-0871 (Akinori)
Yoshie Akinori (performer Sound Artist)
performance group "ayami yasuyho" presided over.
From performer of experimental band, Noh, ballet, theater, HIPHOP, contemporary dance, after you've loaded with Ken鑚 such as dance, to start the original physical expression activity.
To create your own method to re-check yourself in to reconsider the breath and body.
Masterpiece there is a "a'y." "W," "dismantling (ver0.00 & 1.00") "[kho of aza]".
Support Assistant Dance Mistress Tochimoto Azusa
Planning. Production o-th