

中学全学年理科① 顕微鏡の使い方 JHS biology ~Microscope~

2024-08-14 12:40:40 | immersion







When I was a student of JHS we used microscopes with mirrors to focus sunlight, but now the students can use LEDs instead of sunlight. 

LEDs generate less heat when emitting light so that we can observe objects without the risk of heating.

In addition, we don't have to adjust the direction of light with a mirror, we can reduce the time of adjustment.

It used to take a lot of time just to collect light with a mirror.

The world has become a convenient place!







7th grade : observation of organisms in the water

8th grade : observation of cells of plants and animals

9th grade : observation of cell division

All level students need more skills of microscopes.






【Treatment of microscopes】

We should not remove ocular lens to prevent entering the dust intotube and objective lenses.

When we carry our microscopes we have to support "arm" and "base" with our TWO hands.





① 視野を明るくする。



② 対物レンズとプレパラートを近づける。




③ ピントを合わせる。




④ 高倍率にしてくわしく観察する。







【How to observe with microscope】

① Brighten the field of view.

 Use a lower magnification objective lens and adjust the condenser and mirror.


② Bring the objective lens and the preparation close together.

  Place the preparation on the stage and we can observe the object under the objective lens (in the center of the field of view).

  Bring the objective lens as close as possible to the preparation while looking through it from the side.


③ Adjust focus.

While looking through the ocular lens, turn the adjustment knob to move the objective lens away from the preparation and bring it into focus.

  Some microscopes have a fine adjustment knob attached to the adjustment knob.


④ Observe with high magnification.

  Change to high magnification objective lens while turning nose piece.

  The field of view would be dark and narrow so that we have to adjust condenser and make the field of view brighter.

  When the object under observation is not in the center of the field of view, move the preparation by pulling it in the direction opposite to the center of the field of view.

 (Because the microscope's field of view is upside down.)





 接眼レンズの倍率 × 対物レンズの倍率


【How to calculate the magnification】

 Magnification of ocular lens × magnification of objective lens







① スライドガラスの上に(必要ならスポイトで水を一滴落とし、その上に)ピンセットで観察物を置く。


② 観察物の上に(必要なら)スポイトで水を一滴落とす。



③ 柄つき針で支えながらカバーガラスの端を水の端に合わせ、ピンセットで空気が入らないようにカバーガラスを下ろす。





【How to make the preparation】

  "Preparation" is a finished product.

   Some students often get it wrong that microscope slide is preparation.


① Put an object on the microscope slide with tweezers (if necessary, you may put a drop of water using pipette and put the object on the water).


② (If necessary) put a drop of water with a pipette on the object.

  In the case of observation, we use stain such as carmine acetate.


③ While supporting it with a needle with a handle, align the edge of the cover glass with the edge of the water and lower the cover glass with tweezers to prevent air from entering.

 Remove any overflowed water with a small piece of filter paper.

 Be careful not to absorb too much water at this time.