English for apes

Sleep on firewood. Lick bitter liver. Expose test results.

To visualise 3300 hours

2024-08-25 23:00:38 | Self-help - Not!
I have to confess that I broke my rule. I read some Japanese articles... again. I need to reset the bad habit.

Reading Japanese articles is complete wast of time.
I cannot believe that many Japanese who live in the UK and Europe access to Yahoo! via VPN. - I shouldn't criticise someone else. I have to feel regret reading forbidden Yahoo! News.

I've already confessed that I have exceptions reading or listening in Japanese - 'Investor Z' twice a week and 'Morinaga Takuro's part of Golden Radio' once a week.
They are only exceptions.

I've been strongly recommended to start NativeCamp by one of my friends recently.

I'd researched the curriculum and teachers of NativeCamp, but I couldn't be confident to enrol in the free one week course.
I searched other English courses on the web and I carelessly accessed to an article of Horiemon in Yahoo! News site...

It was an advertisement of his book titled 'いつまで英語から逃げてるの? 英語の多動力New Version'.

...New Version. I changed the view on Horiemon after I read Investor Z. He is not cultured but he is smart. I agree with what he says about English.
I found that the excerpts of the book are in Diamond Online and President Online.

[quote]英語はある程度の時間をかけて真剣に取り組まなければ、そうそうに身につくものではない。つまり根気が必要なのだ。そのため、続けるためのコツとして、日々の時間管理を「見える化」することだ。[..]英語に触れた時間を毎日、「Now Then Time Tracking」など使いやすいアプリに記録していく。1日1時間が精一杯なら、1週間で7時間だ。1カ月で30時間。3カ月で90時間。100時間まであと少し……と感じることになる。[unqote]


I don't have time to read such Japanese articles. No time to lose.

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