CJC Blog 



2010-04-24 | クール・ジャパン:文学 音楽 映画


1. サイン
2. ビフォー・ユー・アキューズ・ミー
3. ヘイ・ヘイ
4. ティアーズ・イン・ヘヴン
5. ロンリー・ストレンジャー
6. ノーバディ・ノウズ・ユー
7. いとしのレイラ
8. ランニング・オン・フェイス
9. ウォーキン・ブルース
10. アルバータ
11. サンフランシスコ・ベイ・ブルース
12. モルテッド・ミルク
13. オールド・ラヴ
14. ローリン・アンド・タンブリン


Eric Clapton And Friends - In Concert

2010-04-24 | クール・ジャパン:文学 音楽 映画
ボブ・ディランの貫禄! 愉しそうなボブ・ディランの顔!


Eric Clapton And Friends - In Concert / A Benefit For The Crossroad [DVD] [Import] (1999)

It's been quite a road for Eric Clapton: from blues purist to rock guitar god, from country-pop balladeer to classic rock icon, and on to his current status as all-around legend, playing everything from straight blues to neo-soul. Those different aspects are all on display in this concert, taped at New York's Madison Square Garden to raise funds for the guitarist's drug and alcohol rehab center in the Caribbean. Of course, we get a healthy dose of Clapton the frontman during the nearly two-hour show, from the predictable "Layla" and "Tears in Heaven" to "River of Tears," perhaps the best song from his 1998 Pilgrim album (heard here in a more gospel-tinged arrangement). But it is as a collaborator or accompanist that he really shines, whether he's adding some tasty slide guitar to Sheryl Crow's "Different Kind," generating some real heat with saxophonist David Sanborn during a fiery "Little Wing," or harmonizing and trading guitar licks with Bob Dylan during a good-timey "Crossroads." Sure, Eric Clapton backing up Mary J. Blige may seem a little strange, but by the time he encores with a rousing "Sunshine of Your Love," it's clear that a good time was had by all. --Sam Graham

1. イントロダクション|ドリフティン
2. フーチー・クーチー・マン
3. リヴァー・オブ・ティアーズ
4. ゴーイン・ダウン・スロウ
5. マイ・フェイヴァリット・ミステイク
6. ディフィカルト・カインド
7. リトル・ウィング
8. ビー・ハッピー|ユー・ブリング・ミー・ジョイ
9. ノット・ゴン・クライ
10. ティアーズ・イン・ヘヴン
11. チェンジ・ザ・ワールド
12. オールド・ラヴ
13. ワンダフル・トゥナイト
14. いとしのレイラ
15. くよくよするなよ
16. クロスロード
17. サンシャイン・オブ・ユア・ラヴ

One More Car: One More Ride : Eric Clapton

2010-04-24 | クール・ジャパン:文学 音楽 映画


One More Car: One More Ride
Eric Clapton

1. Key to the Highway [DVD]
2. Reptile [DVD]
3. Got You on My Mind [DVD]
4. Tears in Heaven [DVD]
5. Bell Bottom Blues [DVD]
6. Change the World [DVD]
7. My Father's Eyes [DVD]
8. River of Tears [DVD]
9. Goin' Down Slow [DVD]
10. She's Gone [DVD]
11. I Want a Little Girl [DVD]
12. Badge [DVD]
13. Hoochie Coochie Man [DVD]
14. Have You Ever Loved a Woman? [DVD]
15. Cocaine [DVD]
16. Wonderful Tonight [DVD]
17. Layla [DVD]
18. Will It Go Round in Circles? [DVD]
19. Sunshine of Your Love [DVD]
20. Over the Rainbow [DVD]



2010-04-23 | クール・ジャパン


1. 昭和38年に制定された旧「観光基本法」の全部を改正し、題名を「観光立国推進基本法」に改めることにより、観光を21世紀における日本の重要な政策の柱として明確に位置付けています。
2. 観光立国の実現に関する施策の基本理念として、地域における創意工夫を生かした主体的な取組みを尊重しつつ、地域の住民が誇りと愛着を持つことのできる活力に満ちた地域社会の持続可能な発展を通じて国内外からの観光旅行を促進することが、将来にわたる豊かな国民生活の実現のため特に重要である という認識の下に施策を講ずべきこと等を定めています。
3. 政府は、観光立国の推進に関する施策の総合的かつ計画的な推進を図るため、「観光立国推進基本計画」を定めることとしています。
4. 国は、基本的施策として、国際競争力の高い魅力ある観光地の形成、観光産業の国際競争力の強化及び観光の振興に寄与する人材の育成、国際観光の振興、 観光旅行の促進のための環境の整備に必要な施策を講ずることとしています。


2010-04-23 | IT


 09年度国内出荷 調査会社MM総研が22日発表した2009年度のスマートフォン(高機能携帯電話)の国内出荷台数によると、米アップル製「iPhone(アイフォーン)」が全体の72・2%(169万台)を占めトップになった。



(2010年4月23日 読売新聞)より


2010-04-22 | IT
2010年4月22日(木) 16時20分

 米アドビ(Adobeの主任プロダクトマネージャーのマイク・チャンバー氏は20日(現地時間)、自身のブログにて、iPhone用の「Adobe Flash」の開発を中止すると発表した。


 Appleのライセンス規約変更を受け、同氏は「これによって従来Unity、Titanium、MonoTouch、Flash CS 5などを使ったアプリ開発者はコンテンツをiTunesストアから撤退せざるを得なくなるだろう」と述べ、「Flashの目的はブラウザやプラットフォーム、デバイスなどの違いに関係なく開発を可能にすることだ。しかし、これはAppleがやりたいこととは正反対のようだ」と語っている。そのうえで「Appleが作ろうとしているこのような閉じた開発システムは開発者や消費者に悪影響を及ぼすだろう」と語った。

 またチャンバー氏はGoogleのAndroid OSについて、「最近ではAndroidをベースにした端末も増えている。現在我々はAndroid端末向けの「Flash Player 10.1」と「Adobe AIR 2.0」の開発をGoogleと協業している」とコメントした。

 チャンバー氏は「Chroma Circuit」など、Flashを使用したiPhone向けアプリがAndroidに移行した複数の例をあげたうえで、「Android向けのFlash Playerを採用したコンテンツの出来は素晴らしい。開発者のiPhoneアプリからAndroidアプリへの移行はこれからも増えるだろう」と語っている。

 なお、Android向けの「Flash Player 10.1」と「Adobe AIR 2.0」は現在テスト段階だという。

Apple Appears to Have Acquired Intrinsity

2010-04-22 | IT
Apple Appears to Have Acquired Intrinsity [Updated]
Friday April 02, 2010 02:08 PM EST
Written by Arnold Kim
In February, we profiled Intrinsity, a company made up of former Exponential Technology employees that was gaining attention for its efforts to speed up ARM CPU designs. Intrinsity had cooperated with Samsung to announce the 1GHz Hummingbird processor back in July, and due to Apple's increasing reliance on ARM processors for its mobile devices, we speculated that Apple and Intrinsity may cross paths in the future.

EDN first reported that Intrinsity has been acquired and speculated that Apple could have been the buyer. We have since discovered evidence that this is likely the case. A couple of Intrinsity employees and one of the founders of Exponential (Jim Blomgren, Paul Miller, and Mark Nodine) have begun listing Apple, Inc as their current employer on their LinkedIn profiles:

The job changes are dated April 2010, and a further search shows a total of 13 former Intrinsity employees on LinkedIn listing Apple as their current employer. Consequently, Apple has either recently acquired Intrinsity or recruited some key talent from the company.

Update: LinkedIn's listings have been updated to remove mention of the employees in question now working for Apple. Mark Nodine's profile still mentions, however, that he is working for Apple as of April 1st.


2010-04-22 | IT

 2010年3月に報じられたように、The Linley Groupの社長でプリンシパルアナリストを務めるLinley Gwennap氏は、iPadに搭載された1GHzのA4チップについて、Intrinsityが設計しサムスン電子が製造するARMプロセッサを採用していると考えている。Appleの「iPhone」もサムスン電子が供給するARMプロセッサを採用している。通常、半導体メーカーはARMの基本設計図を元に、必要に応じて各種機能を組み合わせる。




 2008年、AppleはiPhoneのチップ設計を目的としてチップメーカーのP.A. Semiを買収した。ただし、P.A. SemiがAppleのチップ設計にどのように貢献したのかはこれまで明らかになっていない。

City aflame with takeover talk of ARM and Xstrata

2010-04-22 | IT
City aflame with takeover talk of ARM and Xstrata
Rosamund Urwin

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Talk of mega-takeover bids for a pair of FTSE 100 companies had investors excited today.

The City's gossips were pushing two tales: that Apple is considering a bid for ARM Holdings and that Vale could make an offer for Xstrata.

Of the two yarns, most investors seemed to think an approach was more likely for ARM, the Cambridge-based technology company which was recently promoted to the top flight.

The chipmaker's shares shot up 8.1p to 251.1p, topping the Footsie winners' list, as more than five million shares changed hands by midday.

Apple is ARM's biggest customer and speculation is that the iPad maker wants to take chip design in house.

“A deal would make a lot of sense for Apple,” said one trader. “That way, they could stop ARM's technology from ending up in everyone else's computers and gadgets.” Traders reckon a bid would come in at around 400p a share, valuing ARM at more than £5.2 billion.

The takeover speculation was fuelled by stellar second-quarter figures from Apple last night smashing Wall Street's forecasts. This was good news for ARM even without a bid, because ARM pockets royalties from the sale of iPads.

As for the Xstrata takeover rumour, the company found itself in the unaccustomed role today of being the possible pursued rather than pursuer ― under Mick Davis's leadership it has been keen on acquisitions itself, last year trying to pull Anglo American into a merger of equals.

But some traders were dismissive of the talk. “It has been mooted before ― treat this one with caution,” said one.

More than 6.5 million shares in Xstrata were traded by midday, although the stock slipped 12½p to 1204½p as it traded ex-dividend. All the bid speculation failed to keep shares in London in positive territory, however. The FTSE 100 index shed 36.69 points to 5747 as losses from the heavyweight miners dragged down the benchmark. Manoj Ladwa, senior trader at ETX Capital, said: “The market is looking a bit tired. Volumes are light and shares look like they are due a pull back. I expect the FTSE 100 could drift down to around 5600 points before the election.”

Six companies going ex-dividend shaved more than two points off the index, including weapons maker BAE Systems, off 13.4p at 364p and oil services group Petrofac, down 17p at 1216p. But British Airways climbed 2.3p to 236.2p as the ban on flights in the UK was lifted. Other volcano-hit stocks were also better, with package holidays group TUI Travel gaining 2.5p to 291.7p and FTSE 250-listed budget carrier easyJet 6.8p better at 486.3p

Also on the mid-tier, WH Smith was up 2p to 509½p ahead of a trading update tomorrow when the City will want to hear how much the retailer has suffered from the grounding of flights. The stationery and chocolate chain has a large number of stores in airports which are among its most lucrative.

Game Group lost 10.8p to 90.6p as it said it was game over for two of its bosses, including chief executive Lisa Morgan, and as it reported a sharp drop in profits.

Game over for computer chain chief and deputy

Its poor figures weighed on fellow video games seller HMV, which fell 3.8p to 81.2p.

Ladbrokes shot up 5.2p to 162.6p after the bookie reached an agreement with the tax man. The company should receive £80 million from HMRC.

Panmure Gordon raised its target price for Ladbrokes' shares from 125p to 141p, but retains a sell rating on the stock.

Pollster YouGov ticked up ½p to 44p on speculation of a bigger-than-anticipated boost to business from the general election.

Back among the big boys, BHP Billiton fell 46p to 2133.6p after finding itself entangled in a corruption probe. Disappointing metals production numbers also weighed on the mining giant.

BHP Billiton staff in corruption investigation

Trader talk
Serial entrepreneur and activist investor Giles Clarke has bought a 2.99% stake, or 27.54 million shares worth about £260,000 in unloved small-cap precious metals miner Herencia Resources. Clarke is best known as the man who built Majestic Wine into a national chain but has also built up and sold on several other household names such as Safestore self storage.

“Giles sees a catalyst for a lot of value [in Herencia] and will ensure that it is properly realised,” said a spokesperson, pointing to his stewardship of Amerisur Resources. Herencia owns the extraction rights to several precious metal prospects in Chile. The company reported positive results last month from exploratory drilling in new veins. Global metals group Nyrstar has also bought heavily into the group this week, taking a 10.4% stake and a place on the board.

Tomorrow's agenda
The state of the public finances will be under the spotlight when the latest figures on net borrowing are released. Economists expect borrowing to remain in line with that announced at last month's Budget at £24 billion. The Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders also posts monthly car output figures.

Housebuilder Persimmon updates shareholders on first-quarter trading. Earlier this year chief executive Mike Farley was in bullish mood, saying Persimmon hit sales of £900 million in the three months to March, compared with £698 million at the same time last year.

High street perennial Punch Taverns also updates investors with first-half results. Punch's figures cover the six months to March 6. After chief executive Giles Thorley last month announced his decision to step down after nine years in charge, Punch is also expected to provide more information on its search for his successor.

Hordes of easyJet's planes are grounded but JPMorgan says shares in the budget airline are set to take off, and upgrades the stock from neutral to overweight. EasyJet said that despite the £25 million adverse impact of weather-related disruptions in December and January, trading in the second half was robust, although JPMorgan analysts acknowledge that was “pre-volcanic interruptions”. It says easyJet will benefit when lower fuel costs feed through, and the recent appointment of a new chief executive and finance director should eliminate boardroom uncertainty. It adds: “The reopening of European airspace is also likely to be a positive catalyst.”

It's time to get shot of stock in Crystalox, which supplies solar-cell markets with raw materials, according to KBC Peel Hunt. The firm's analysts note there has been strong industry volume growth in the first half of this year but warn that the gap between Chinese and Western producer costs is “too wide”, and “capacity is expanding too quickly.” KBC reckons Crystalox will continue to hit profitability, but say profit level is vulnerable to further downgrades. It names a price target of 42p on the firm's shares.

After travel group TUI announced plans to raise £500 million to fund acquisitions through the issue of a convertible bond and new banking facilities, Panmure Gordon says hang on to the stock. Its analysts say that, as well as “extending and diversifying” TUI's debt maturity profile, the deal will provide additional financing for acquisitions, where the group has a pipeline of attractive opportunities. Tui admitted this week that the volcanic ash cloud from Iceland that had grounded thousands of its passengers had cost it £26 million so far, rising by £6 million a day. Panmure names a 325p price target.


2010-04-22 | IT



 London Evening Standardは英国時間4月21日、AppleがARM Holdingsの買収を検討している、とロンドンの金融街のうわさとして伝えた。ARMの大手顧客で、「iPad」メーカーであるAppleがチップを社内で設計したいと考えているという憶測が流れているという。London Evening Standardでは、トレーダーらの予測として、ARMの買収額が52億ポンド以上になると伝えている。

北海道内景気、判断据え置き 財務局1~3月

2010-04-22 | 北海道
北海道内景気、判断据え置き 財務局1~3月





修学旅行で田植え 北海道の中学生受け入れ 南三陸町

2010-04-22 | 北海道
修学旅行で田植え 北海道の中学生受け入れ 南三陸町



2010-04-22 | 北海道

北海道経済産業局はこのほど、北海道観光をリードする旅館ホテル経営の取り組み等を紹介した『"魅力ある宿づくり"に挑戦する旅館群』を発行した。本事例集は、昨年9月から実施している「観光事業者の経営基盤の強化に向けた実証調査事業」の一環で作成されたもので、同書を参考に、道内の宿泊業が高品質なサービス提供と経営基盤強化に取り組むことで、「個人・外国人・富裕層」の誘客につなげ、北海道観光の活性化を図ることが狙い。「地域資源を活かした体験観光で顧客開拓」 、「伝統を守りモダンな感覚を取り入れた二つのタイプの和風旅館で顧客開拓」 、「顧客満足度の高い"海鮮料理"で高稼働率を確保」 など15の具体的事例を紹介するとともに、『宿泊業の魅力づくりと経営強化のための「事業戦略」構築の手順』など実践的内容も盛り込まれている。

  観光事業者の経営基盤の強化に向けた実証調査事業 http://www.hkd.meti.go.jp/hokiq/keiei_chosa/index.htm
  北海道経済産業局 http://www.hkd.meti.go.jp/index.htm
  観光ナビ http://www.jcci.or.jp/region/tourism/

衆議院議員・荒井さとし電子通信第144号<人間のちから> より

2010-04-21 | 北海道
衆議院議員・荒井さとし電子通信第144号<人間のちから> より

                     衆議院議員 荒井さとし







