News which a decontamination from an outdoor pool of the elementary and junior high schools at Kohriyama city, Fukushima Prephecture was reported today.
The authorities examine whether they will open a pool on the middle of June, depend on the process of decontamination.
I hope that let the children swim in a pool and play to their heart's content in this year.
I can hardly wait for completion of the building for Orphanage ( children care center) in Kohriyama city, Fukushima prephecture.
The Photo is orphan children of Zambia Orphanage in Africa are enjoying plenty of water after construting of a well.
News which a decontamination from an outdoor pool of the elementary and junior high schools at Kohriyama city, Fukushima Prephecture was reported today.
The authorities examine whether they will open a pool on the middle of June, depend on the process of decontamination.
I hope that let the children swim in a pool and play to their heart's content in this year.
I can hardly wait for completion of the building for Orphanage ( children care center) in Kohriyama city, Fukushima prephecture.
The Photo is orphan children of Zambia Orphanage in Africa are enjoying plenty of water after construting of a well.