プレキャンプ 2012年 7月24日(火) 本キャンプ 2012年 7月25日(水)~ 7月27日(金)どなたでも参加できます。今年は大和カルバリーチャペルの大川従道先生がメッセージをしてくださいます。 お申し込み受付中! キャンプの募集要項・お申し込みはこちらから
お申し込みはこちらから: http://arechinikawa.shop-pro.jp/?pid=43418539
[Kid’s Praise 3] will go on sale on June 5th however we are holding a campaign for registering early for the product.
For the people ordering the Kid’s Praise CD and Score sheets package the cost has been lowered from 1400YEN to 1300YEN. The registration link is shown below http://arechinikawa.shop-pro.jp/?pid=43418539
Also, Kid’s Praise CD and 2 Score sheets package will be lowered from 1800YEN to 1400YEN. The registration link is shown below
http://arechinikawa.shop-pro.jp/?pid=43418593 These prices are limited to the May 31st date so please hurry and order as needed.
お申し込みはこちらから: http://arechinikawa.shop-pro.jp/?pid=43418539
[Kid’s Praise 3] will go on sale on June 5th however we are holding a campaign for registering early for the product.
For the people ordering the Kid’s Praise CD and Score sheets package the cost has been lowered from 1400YEN to 1300YEN. The registration link is shown below http://arechinikawa.shop-pro.jp/?pid=43418539
Also, Kid’s Praise CD and 2 Score sheets package will be lowered from 1800YEN to 1400YEN. The registration link is shown below
http://arechinikawa.shop-pro.jp/?pid=43418593 These prices are limited to the May 31st date so please hurry and order as needed.

(アクロス福岡の前の街並み A Street in fornt of Accross Fukuoka)
We are looking for spaces where we will be able to have a exhibition to introduce of the Orphanage works.
Today I visited International Community Center. They are surporting foreign studets and people who came to Fukuoka for jobs.
They have a Japanease learning class today.
Japanese is also one of dificult languages to study for foreigner.
I would like to introduce the work of the Cornerstone Orphanage to many people who live in Fukuoka.

18:20分に、19度でした。今日も昼すぎまで雨が降って、梅雨前って感じです。 写真は福岡空港の広告看板
At 18:20, the temperature in Fukuoka city was 19 degrees. It was raining in the afternoon,today, it looks like the rainy season is at hand.
This is a picture of sign board at Fukuoka Airport.

I have a part time job today. I have just finished a fasting prayer two days before,
So my lunch box is simple(Kosuda).

こういうわけで、あなたがたは、食べるにも、飲むにも、何をするにも、ただ神の栄光を現すためにしなさい。 コリント人への手紙第一10章31節
"Therefor, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." 1Corinthians10:31