TLEAいのちの冠福岡教会のHot News ☆ Church's news



2012-07-21 21:03:06 | 孤児院
As of today, children, especially infants, who infect severely with hand foot and mouth disease, are being died in Cambodia. So one school of children of the orphanage has been closed because of the disease. Normally, a communicable infection transmits to small children comparatively. However, now, the infection is being associated with severe disease. So please pray for children of the orphanage in Cambodia not to infect with the disease.
Now, children are in a summer holiday to a new school term on October. The term of the holiday is a half of the month longer than usual. So please pray for children to have a good holiday without troubles.

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2012-07-21 20:54:56 | カリスマ聖会
Monday,July 30, Pastor Paul Akimoto of Tokyo Antioch Church will come to Fukuoka. Everyone is invited.

福岡カリスマ聖会&預言セミナー Fukuoka Charisma Holy Meeting & Seminar of prophecy
日時:2012年7月30日(月) Date: Mon, Jul. 30,2012
12:30~13:10 預言セミナー Seminar of prophecy 12:30-13:10
13:15~15:30 カリスマ聖会 Charisma Holy Mrrting 13:15-15:30
Place : Masatomo Vuilding 5F Meeting Room ( 4-5-20, Tenjin, Chuou Ward, Fukuoka City)
Pastors: Paul Akimoto, Isaiah Makoto Kihara, Israel Megumi Kosuda
Contact: 092-732-7362 (Church)
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新井宏二先生によるいやしのセミナー「スネルゴイ セラペイア」が行われます

2012-07-21 20:48:59 | 
7月22日(日)夜、19時からの東京アンテオケ教会・第7礼拝において、馬橋キリスト教会の新井宏二先生によるいやしのセミナー「スネルゴイ セラペイア」が行われます。オンラインで同時中継されます。ただしダウンロードはできませんのでご注意下さい。ダウンロードは神学校の授業の一貫でもありますので、神学生だけができるということになります。そうでない方は、同時中継で見ることができますのでよろしくお願いします。
A healing seminar named “Synerugoi Therapeia” will be held by Rev. Koji Arai of Mabashi Christ Church at 7:00 pm in the 7th service on 22nd July. We’ll broadcast the seminar on the Internet. However, the archives won’t be available because the data belong to our seminary school. Only seminary students are available. So if you want to partake the seminar online, you’ll be able to watch it on the day only. Otherwise, you can buy the DVDs of each seminar by 2,000 yen.

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2012-07-21 08:34:55 | メッセージ


I sai to you that likewise there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over nintety-nine just persons who need no repentance. Luke15:7
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メッセージ Message

2012-07-21 01:11:06 | メッセージ


Pastor Isaiah Makoto Kihara brought a message fromLuke 8:49-56, that we put our trust in the Lord even things don't go the way we want it to, we give thanks to the Lord using our faith, then we will see the Lord will work for us.
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