
江戸角凧に魅せられて40数年。東京生まれ!江戸っ子? 実は三代続いていないので「東京っ子」かな? 千葉県九十九里に在住。

アメリカの子供達からの手紙 The letters from the US children

2017年11月24日 | 海外凧の旅












表に絵。Pictures on the flont side.


 裏にメッセージ。Messages on the back side.


Dear Mr. Toki
Thank you for coming to our School. I had so much fun making the amazing kites. You came on the best day it was  windy and it was perfect for the kites. You are the best at art. The second graders are lucky that they are going to do it next year. 

土岐さん、私たちの学校に来てくれてありがとう。凧作りはすごく楽しかった。あなたは風が強く、凧のためには完璧だった最高の日に来ました。あなたはアートで最高です。 2年生は来年、この凧作りができて幸運です。

Dear Mr. Toki,
Thank you so much! My sister said "I can't wait until I am in 3rd grade" I loved it so much that I will show my grand kids!


Dear Mr. Toki,
Thank you so much for spending your time teaching me how to make a Japanese kites. It was very kind of you. I was very grateful that you taught me how. I could not believe I had been taught by a Kite muster. It as a great day to fly the kites. I had so much fun flying my kite. My kite flew so high in the sky. I am glad 3rd grades get to do this.


Dear Mr. Toki
Thank you for coming to our school to teach us how to make Japanese kite. It was like the best day of my life. After School I flew it and I almost got it stuck in a tree by the field. My picture was my Football jersey. It was blue and black. It was fun. Your student.


Dear Mr. Toki,
Thank you for coming to our school! I had so much fun making kites! I had to go to the nurses room but still I had a great time. I like the drawing part. It was cool. My favorite part was flying the kite. My kite flew so high. I think I want to make kites when I get older because I love it! The 2nd graders will be so happy next year!

土岐さん、私たちの学校に来てくれてありがとう!凧作りはとても楽しかったです!私は看護室に行く必要があったけど、それでも私はすばらしい時間を過ごしました。私は絵を描くところが好きです。それは素敵でした。私のお気に入りは凧を揚げることでした。私の凧はとても高く揚がりました。私は凧が大好きなので、もっと大きくなったら凧を作りたいと思います! 2年生は来年凧作りでとても幸せになるでしょう!

Dear Mr. Toki,
I am so glad that I was able to make a kite with you that kite made me have joy and thank you for your time and your kindness you make awesome kites and I am so happy that you taught me how to make kite I cant believe I could make a kite with a Kite master. Sincerely


Dear Mr. Toki,
Thank you for coming all the way here to teach us how to make a Kite. I hope I can see you again. You are the best Kite master. We saw you on a Video. Your Student.


Dear Mr. Toki,
I really enjoyed making kites. It was super fun and I really liked it. Although mine got tangled up. My friend asked if he can fly my kite. It can kind of fly so I said yes. I really want to make another one. I can not stop thinking about it. I truly had lots and lots of fun.


Dear Mr. Toki,
Thank you for letting us make kites with you. I really enjoyed doing it. I most of all liked flying it. I hope you will be able to keep teaching kids how to make kites. Also, what was your favorite kite you made So far? I hope you can come back soon. Sincerely, your student.


Dear Mr. Toki,
Thank you for coming, I really liked it when you were teaching us how to make kites. My favorite part was Flying the kites. I am so glad that I told my mom that it was fragile, Cause it is! I told her so my little brother would not break it not even touch it! Your Student. 




アメリカで ピカチュウ は大人気! 毎年 "HITACHI" がこのワークショップのスポンサー様です。


 低学年は、竹ひごと和紙をセロテープ貼って 凧作り。

スマホでバットマンを検索…… 今どき~‼‼‼



 低学年は簡単に作れる ロケットカイト !

4~5年生は チョット難しい 角凧作り。   








来年も また行けるかなぁ~‼‼‼


ネットショプ 【凧職人のお店 お江戸の凧屋さん


