
英語なんて怖くない ダリちゃんの居酒屋英語教室

My Dear Volkswagen Beetle(わしの愛車のフォルクスワーゲン・ビートル)

Dali   Suppose I had a traffic accident in the US, and the fault was the other driver. In this case, I pay nothing. In Japan, it is different. Everybody pays something, and even the faultless driver has to pay some money.
ダリちゃん わしがアメリカで交通事故を起こして、過失は相手のドライバーだったとしよう。この場合、わしは一円も払わない。日本では違う。みんなが幾らか払う。過失のないドライバーでさえ幾らか払わなければならない。

Me   Really?

Dali   Yes, it’s true. Anyway, in the US, if one person runs a red light, for example, he is 100% at fault, right? In this occasion, if he hits my car, I pay nothing because I was driving through a green light. Why should I pay? But in Japan, everybody must pay.
ダリちゃん そう、本当。とにかくアメリカでは、例えばある人が赤信号で走ると100%悪いよね? この場合、もしその運転手が わしの車にぶつかるとわしは何も払わない。だってわしは青信号で運転してたんだから。何で払わなきゃいけないの? でも日本ではみんなが払わなきゃいけない。

Me   That’s right.

Dali   Consider this true story from long ago. At the time, I had a Volkswagen Beetle. I was peacefully driving down the street, when another driver suddenly turned into the street in front of me and stopped! I made a snap decision not to brake and prepared for the resultant crash. So I hit him because he conducted the bad maneuver. It was his fault. In consequence, the front of my Beetle received serious cosmetic damage. Thankfully, it didn’t sustain any mechanical damage.
ダリちゃん だいぶ前だけど本当にあった話を考えてみよう。当時わしはフォルクスワーゲン・ビートルに乗っていた。わしは通りをご機嫌にドライブしていたんだが、その時突然相手のドライバーが通りに入ってきてわしの目の前で止まったんだ! わしは咄嗟にブレーキを踏まない決心をして来る衝突に備えたんだ。で、わしは相手の車にぶつかった。だって彼の運転が悪かったんだもの。悪いのは彼だ。その結果、ビートルのフロントに外見上、ひどいダメージを受けたんだ。幸い、メカには何もダメージを受けなかったけどね。

Me   So exciting!

Dali   Of course, I received money as compensation for the damage to my car. I did not have to pay anything to the other driver because I was not in the wrong. It was he who was in the wrong. So, it seemed I was not required to brake for somebody committing a traffic violation. If I braked, the car could possibly spin out of control. And who want to risk this? So, I just hit him. I didn’t use the money for fix the Beetle, since it sustained no mechanical damage. Rather, I used the money to buy some new shoes. 
ダリちゃん もちろん車の損害賠償金は受け取った。わしは悪くなかったので相手方に何も払う必要はなかった。悪いのは彼だったんだ。で、交通違反をする人にわざわざブレーキを踏む道理はないだろう。ブレーキを踏んでいたら、コントロールを失ってスピンしていただろうね。誰もそんな危険冒したくないだろう? だからわしは彼にぶつかったまでさ。走るには何ら問題なかったのでビートルの修理にお金は使わなかった。代わりにそのお金で新しい靴を買ったんだ。

Me   …
Key words(キーワード)
faultless: 過失のない、申し分のない、完全(無欠)な
snap decision: 即断
resultant: 結果として生じる
crash: (車の)衝突、(相場・商売などの)つぶれること
maneuver: (船・自動車・飛行機などの)巧みな操縦
consequence: (続いて起こる、または必然的な)結果
sustain: (被害などを)受ける、被る
compensation: 償い、賠償、補償金
brag: (~を)自慢する
robust: 強健な、強固な
Volkswagen Type 1, also known as the Beetle, was manufactured in Germany from 1938 to 2003. Being known for its unique style, it was lovingly nicknamed Kabutomushi in Japan. Sadly, it is extremely rare to see the car now in Japan. In fact, it reminds me of my uncle, who had at one time owned this car. He used to brag about his car, saying that it was a foreign car, had 2-doors and door mirrors (which were rare in those days), and could float on the water. It was a robust car, because of which Dali was protected from any injury.
(English is Easy―Dali’s Drunken English Lessons―)




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