英語なんて怖くない ダリちゃんの居酒屋英語教室

Enjoy the Jellyfish Aquarium!(クラゲ水族館を楽しもう!)
Dali Hey, Ina-chan! The other day, we had a plan to go drinking, but you suddenly contac...

Japanese Dictation on iPhones(iPhoneの日本語口述筆記)
Dali Don't you think dictation on the iPhones is convenient? ダリちゃん iPhoneのディクテーションは便利だと思...

Take the Browns to the Super Bowl(ブラウンズをスーパーボウルに連れてって)
Me Ah, Dali, excuse me. I’ll be right back.私 あー、ダリちゃん、ごめん。すぐ戻る。(20 minutes later...

Baby Talk(赤ちゃん言葉)
Dali In Japanese, there are thousands of “double-sound” words.ダリちゃん 日本語には山ほど「重複ことば」があるね。...

A Scary Gaijin(怖い外国人)
Dali Long ago, when I was a newcomer to Japan, I saw three young girls playing while wal...

Dali Do you know the origins of the bagel?ダリちゃん ベーグルの起源知ってる?Me Itali...

Santa Claus(サンタクロース)
Dali Do you like Santa Claus?ダリちゃん サンタクロースは好き?Me Yes, I love him beca...

Why do the Japanese Love Tissues?(なぜ日本人はティッシュが大好きなのか?)
Dali Hey, Ina-chan, have I ever told you that one example of Japanese culture I hate is ...

“My Number”(マイナンバー)
Dali Today’s topic is related to gairaigo from English. How do you feel about English lo...

American TV Programs Dubbed into Japanese(アメリカテレビ番組日本語吹き替え版)
Dali I have a classroom where I teach English to private students in my house. Next to i...