ARRL Handbook 2018 (Hardcover)
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ARRL Handbook 2018 (Hardcover)
The Handbook: a Lifetime of Learning.
The ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications is the most widely used one-stop reference and guide to radio technology principles and practices. Since 1926, The ARRL Handbook has covered the state-of-the-art, but also emerging technologies in radio experimentation, discovery, and achievement. This fully revised 95th edition of The Handbook has been extensively updated, and includes significant new content. Each chapter has been authored and edited by experts in the subject.
“For the new ham…you will be amazed at how quickly you become familiar, not only with the theory, but also with the practical aspects of radio – from long waves to microwaves. For the experienced ham…you’re in for a surprise and delight when you see the extent of the latest revisions. This edition is the most comprehensive revision since the 2014 edition.“
- ARRL CEO Tom Gallagher, NY2RF
Key Topics
- Radio electronics theory and principles
- Circuit design and equipment
- Radio signal transmission and propagation
- Digital modulation and protocols
- Antennas and transmission lines
- Construction practices
Radio amateurs, or “hams;” engineers working in radio electronics and communications industries; engineering (particularly Electrical Engineering and Data Communications), physics, and geophysics students.
New Projects
- VHF/UHF/Microwave Filters and Transmission Lines
- Software-Controlled and Manual Preselectors for 1.8-30 MHz
- Digital Mode Audio-Based VOX/PTT Interface
- PICAXE-Based Timer
- Arduino-Based CW IDer
- 6-Meter Halo Antenna
- Big Wheel VHF/UHF Mobile Antenna
- Off-Center End-Fed Portable 40-6 Meter Antenna
- Crossed-Dipole Omnidirectional Antenna for 1296 MHz
- Spudgun Antenna Launcher
- CW Reception Filter
Plus, new and updated content on Software Defined Radio (SDR) and Digital Signal Processing (DSP), Grounding and Bonding, Solar Cycle 24-25, Tower Safety, and Building Remote-Control Stations.