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SmartScope (Android)(Windows7,8 10)(Linux)(Fire OS)

2021-05-04 16:48:35 | オシロスコープ

SmartScope (Android)(Windows8 10)(Linux)(Fire OS)

ElectronicsDIY5 web shop



現在もお問合せがあれば、お取り扱いしています。当初は、Android tablet接続には、microUSB port接続用のmicroUSB-USB-A female cable添付が標準でしたが、今では、多くのandroid tabletが、USB type-C portになっているため、android tabletとの接続では、android type-C ---miniUSB cable(直接、SmartScopeに接続)がオプションとして選択可能にもなっています。

microUSB-- USB-A female short cable(SmartScopeへは、Windows PC接続用のUSB-A male -- miniUSB maleを併用)も選択または、同時購入も可能になっています。

あと、SmartScopeは、serial bus decodeもでき、特に、I2Sもできるのは非常に有用ですので、このために購入を決める人もいます。8ch digital channelのPINs asignmentは、自分で接続して確認する必要がありましたが、今では、Logic Analyzer Cableがoptionとして、選択可能になりました。


(option)として、必要なprobe,cableを選ぶことができます。以下の画像は最初に発売されていた頃の一式ですが、今は、これ以外に、Android tablet OTG cableも購入可能なのと、Logic cableが購入可能になっています。

今は、自動車、バイク用のデジタルオシロとして、Micsig ATO1104 Plusがありますが、SmartScopeでも、seconday ignitionの測定をしている人がいるのを確認しています。

LabNation SmartScope Secondary ignition wave form with oscilloscope


Main Page



Windows10 Pro 64bit/PC software

Windows OS(Win10 Pro 64bit)で動作確認しました。PCとのケーブル(microUSB-USB)は標準添付されます。

SmartScope initial test1 sweep signals inspection Sine Wave Sweep 1-25MHz 200ms per second(Start and end 200ms/s,changing the sweep time 50ms/s to 5s there)

PC-Based oscilloscopeとしては、display refresh rateは早い部類です。


SmartScope initial test2 sweep Sine Wave 1-25MHz


Amazon Fire(Fire OS)でも、使用可能です。

Amazon Fire(Fire OS)でも使えます。Androidアプリ インストールでき、Amazon Fireでアプリ動作します。また、今回、動作検証時に、USB Hub(3port)(外部電源付き)でUSB-microUSB/OTG接続しましたが、同時にUSBマウスを接続して、マウス使用できるか試してみましたが、マウスも使えます。


Open-source platform for FPGA development 環境を構築可能

Programmable logic
• USB controller: MicroChip PIC18F14K50
• USB interface: PicKit3 or USB flashable
• FPGA: Xilinx Spartan 6
• FPGA interface: JTAG and USB flashable

SmartScope Maker Kitを購入しなくても、SmartScope Maker Kit.ISEは、DLできて、Xilinx ISE(14.7)でrecompileできました。VHDL記述です。これに、例えば、RGB LEDをAUX OUTに設定して、SmartScopeMakerKIt.vhdを一部、変更(signal sig_counter :unsigned (7 down 0);など必要なコードを追加記述)し、recompileして、それぞれ、自分の実験ができるようになるかと思います。(購入者には、希望があれば変更例を説明します)

ですので、Xilinx JTAG programmerと、pickit3を別途、自分で購入して、FPGAをXilinx JTAG programmerで、re-configurationして、SmartScope Maker Kit(Open-source platform for FPGA development)を購入した場合と同じような環境構築ができるかと思います。回路図など参考にヘッダーピン増設などは自分で対応する必要はあります。


また、androidでは、SmartScope MakerKit アプリ(リリース前)が 開発中状態ですが、出ています。SmartScopeのFPGA内のRegisterBankを制御するプログラムです。リリース前のアプリとして、インストールできます。実験に応じて、register nameはカストマイズします。register_map.yml ファイルのcontentsを変更します。



• The world's first lab device to target OS X, Linux, Windows, Android and iOS (jailbroken) compatibility.
• Get mobile: take the SmartScope on the road, thanks to the single-cable connectivity.
• Intuitive: pointing, pinching and swiping finally replaces the clunky interfaces of old scopes.
• Develop your digital interfaces using the 100 MS/s logic analyzer.
• Design any signal you want using Excel, then upload it to the built-in Arbitrary Waveform Generator (AWG).
• Capture the voltage at any point of your design at 100 million times each second.

• Device: Host
• mini USBcable (included)
• Analog: BNC2 probes (included)
• Digital: 80,1" pitch, probes (included)
• Sync: USB micro B-B
• Power: USB micro B (optional)

• Bandwidth: 45 MHz (-3dB point)
• Sample rate: 2 x 100 MS/s
• Channels: 2
• Max pre-trigger position: 16 x full scale
• Max post-trigger position: Full scale
• Max full voltage scale: 10V/div (±35V input range)
• Min full voltage scale: 20mV/div
• Analog input range: -35V, +35V
• Max input peak-to-peak: 40V
• Signal coupling: AC / DC
• Precision: 8 bit
• Input impedance: 1 MOhm // 10 pF
• Waverforms: 200 waveforms/s
• Data delay to host: < 10ms
• Sample depth: Up to 4 million samples per channel
• External trigger: Yes

Logic analyser
• Input channels: 8
• Input impedance: 100kOhm // 2pF to GND
• Sample rate: 100 MS/s
• Logic level: 3,3 V or 5 V
• Diode protection: Bidirectional
• Input data buffer: 4M samples
• Waverforms: 200 waveforms/s
• Data delay to host: < 10ms
• Protocol decoders: I²C, SPI, ...

Wave generator
• Data rate: 50 MS/s
• Output level: 0 - 3,3 V (Opamp driven)
• Max slew rate: 30ns/V
• Step: 13 mV
• Output channels: 1
• Sample depth: 2048

Digital output
• Channels: 4
• Data rate: 100 MS/s
• Output level: 3,3 V or 5 V (selectable)
• Diode protected: Yes
• Output buffer: 2048 samples

Programmable logic
• USB controller: MicroChip PIC18F14K50
• USB interface: PicKit3 or USB flashable
• FPGA: Xilinx Spartan 6
• FPGA interface: JTAG and USB flashable

• Supported Desktop OS (Windows 7, 8 und 10 / Linux / OS X)
• Supported Mobile OS (Apple iOS (jailbroken) / Android 4.0+)
• Export formats (Excel .csv / Matlab .mat)

Size & Weight
• Dimensions: 110 x 64 x 24,2 mm
• Weight: 158 g
• Case: Aluminium

Kit contents
• SmartScope with 1M sample buffer
• 2 analog probes
• Digital probe cable
• MiniB USB cable to connect to your pc or laptop


LabNation USB O'Scope on Galaxy Tab S


SmartScope Reinventing the oscilloscope by LabNation ― Kickstarter


Introduction of the LabNation SmartScope


First Look Review of SmartScope by LabNation


RF Spectrum Analyzer w/Tracking Generator(35-6200MHz model)(Arinst SSA-TG R2)

2021-05-04 08:18:36 | スペアナ

RF Spectrum Analyzer w/Tracking Generator(35-6200MHz model)(Arinst SSA-TG R2)


ElectronicsDIY5 web shop



(2021/05/04 更新)









(新製品/特別オファー)35-6200MHz RF Spectrum Analyzer w/Tracking Generator Arinst SSA-TG R2 



35-6200MHz RF Spectrum Analyzer  w/Tracking Generator(TG 35MHz-6.2GHz model)

Arinst SSA-TG R2(TG 35MHz-6.2GHz model) 

リリース初期と比較して、機能強化がはかられています。noise floor levelは、-70dBm程度から、-100dBm程度まで改善しているので、WiFi/LTEのaverage -90dBm程度の信号レベルをmax holdで、peak holdできるようになっています。下記のyoutubeの動画を見るだけでも、能力は想像できるかと思います。

(スペアナで、Windows-Based softwareで表示のnoise floor levelは、長年、-70dBm程度でした。例えば、FRA測定器ですが、FRMSなどがそうです。SSA-TG R2のリリース時のreviewもまだ、weblog内で見れますが、この時点では、-70dBm程度だったので、前は、WiFi/LTE detectionでは、HackRF ONEをお薦めしていましたが、今では、第一選択は、スペアナとしては、SSA-TG R2です。SSA-TG R2のsoftwareでの表示範囲は、80dBですが、これは、OWON XSA1032-TGや、Siglent SSA3032X Plusのような100dB範囲を超える表示でないほうが見やすい表示範囲なので、これでいいのではと思います。その代わり、level offset設定は、defaultの0dBmから、-30dBmに変更する必要が場合によりあります。最初、黄色の基線が表示されなくてもあわてないでください)

HackRF ONEでも、Wifi/LTEの信号はdetect可能で目的によっては十分な場合もありますが、SSA-TG R2のように、RF levell,frequencyのoffsetがない事に加え、TRACE機能や、Max hold機能がありません。表示機能もありますので、fieldで、HackRF ONEは、note PCとかで、テザリングして使用するなどすればもちろん、使えますが、SSA-TG R2は、bluetoothで接続できるので便利です。frequency resolutionは、0.00MHz台までなのと、tracking generatorは、signal generatorとして、stand-alone動作もしますが、方形波出力になります。tracking機能もあり、目的の周波数が見つかれば、tarcking機能の更新を停止し、TRACEとMAX HOLDの併用でfrequency/levelのoffsetを取ったうえでの監視が可能だということです。freqeuncy resolutionは、0.00MHzまでなので、さらに1Hzまでの周波数測定には、OWON XSA1032-TGや、Siglent SSA3032X Plusなどが必要になりますが、sweep timeは、frequency resolutionがあがる分、HackRF ONEや、SSA-TG R2のような更新速度にはなりません。初心者の方は、通常のスペアナをデジタルオシロのような更新速度を期待している感がありますが、意外に遅いものです。(昔は、audio領域のreal time spectrum analyzerで音声や音楽のスペクトラム解析するものがありました)ですので、HackRFONEや、SSA-TG R2のような測定器と、OWON XSA1032-TGや、Siglent SSA3032X Plusなどのような測定器は目的により、使い分け、どちらも必要です。総合的には、SSA-TG R2は、値段に見合う機能は有しています。

Keysightのreal time spectrum analyzerは、もちろん、能力的に格段ですが、価格も価格です。



は、Keysightに比較し、機能限定的というか、価格も安いですが、sweep timeが、1ms程度までにはなります。(sweep timeで言えば、今では、RIGOL DSA815-TGが一番、更新が遅い上に7inch displayですが、NEXT 700MHz!の基地局信号は、それなりに、max holdでなくともdtectしてきます)OWON XSA1032-TG/SSA3032X(non PLUS model)が次によくて、SSA3032X Plusが、よりいいです、その上が、SSA3050-R/SSA3075X-Rという位置づけです。

アマチュア無線での測定では、繰り返し信号が主な測定なので、どれでもいいですが、1Hzまでの周波数測定が必要なので、HackRF ONEや、SSA-TG R2では、frequency resplutionが悪いことや測定周波数範囲で、HF帯がはずれている(up-converterを使えばいいですが)ので、通常のスペアナで補完します。


Actually what you can do,for instance......

You can search for smartphones relevant signals.(now the noise floor level is below -100dBm,feasible searching the peaks with max hold mode)

Arinst SSA TG R2 virtual com port connection No 2 smartphone LTE downlink


(You can check WiFi signals(virtual com port connection or  the bluetooth connection)

If possible,you had better use bluetooth connection,but even with the virtual com port/desktop PC,good measurement results. The bluetooth dongle w/DeskTop PC is also okay.(If you want also bluetooth dongle available here,plz ask me)

Arinst SSA-TG R2 virtual com port connection No 1 WiFi(youtube)


Looking at above video,you understand,rather Arinst SSA-TG R2 is better than Hack RF ONE,even if more expensive

(You can measure 800MHz BPF/S21) Also S11 and SWR measurement available

You can search for digital television(DTV) signals(need additional connectors)

Next! 700MHz/You can identify,your area uses this band smartphone system or not.


Portable Spectrum Analyzer with a tracking generator Arinst SSA-TG R2(TG 35MHz-6.2GHz model)/Review


35-6200MHz RF Spectrum Analyzer w/Tracking Generator(Arinst SSA-TG R2) 補足 No.1



600-6000MHz 6dB ログペリ アンテナ の購入も可能になっています。


The antenna is designed for measurements in the range 600 MHz - 6000 MHz.

It is a logoperiodic antenna made on a fiberglass with a protective mask.

Purpose of measuring antenna

  • Measurement of the electric or magnetic component of the electromagnetic field strength
  • Measurement of energy flux density
  • Creating an electromagnetic field with a given density
  • Measurement of antenna parameters of various types
  • Measurement of the parameters of electromagnetic compatibility of radioelectronic means
  • Monitoring of electromagnetic environment and direction finding of sources of electromagnetic radiation

Dimensions (Length x Width x Height)

365 x 220 x 30 mm (without handle)

365 x 220 x 140 mm (with handle)

Operating frequency range, MHz


SWR in operating frequency range, not more than




Input resistance, Ohm





  • KM6-600/6000 - 1 piece
  • Handle - 1 piece




(1)RF converter

下は、35MHzからですが、たぶん、RF converter(HPFが必須)で、短波(HF)帯の測定も可能な事を確認しています。実機で問題なく利用できる事を確認したのち、当方からの本体購入者に限定して、6500円程度で頒布します。(RF converterを使用する場合、softwareで、frequency offsetと、conversion lossに対して、level offsetができる上、HPFで、upper heterodyne選択できるRF converterが必要です。これらをすべて満たすと予想はしていますが、再確認が必要です)

すでに、SSG 10.000000000MHz,-30dBmで、動作確認を開始しています。frequency offsetsが、-設定ができないのは報告済みで、次回、updateで対応される予定です。当方からの購入を推奨します。conversion loss 10dBmのoffsetsは現在も問題ありません。

(2)WiFi Antenna(2.4GHz/5.8GHz Dual) RP-SMA  アースはPCB基板上が基準点になり、1/4λi以上のいわゆるビバレージタイプをオファーをします。価格未定

(3)SMA Male To RP-SMA Female Adapter 


Arinst SSA-TG R2


Arinst SSA-TG R2 is a portable panoramic spectrum analyzer designed to display signal spectrums in the frequency range from 35 to 6200 MHz.

The analyzer finds the amplitude and frequency of spectral components of the analyzed process. Spectrum analyzer can operate with signals for all widely used technologies: Wi-Fi, 2G, 3G, 4G, LTE, CDMA, DCS, GSM, GPRS, GLONASS and others.

Another important feature is the presence of additional capabilities of the tracking generator, which makes it possible to measure the frequency response of passive or active devices, for example filters or amplifiers. The software allows measuring SWR and return loss module. This requires an external directional coupler and a set of calibration measures.


Arinst SSA-TG R2 is primarily intended for field operation. The device is rugged and light with low energy consumption. It enables service centers and maintenance teams to perform on-the-spot HF analysis for commissioning and repair works. Moreover, the spectrum analyzer is a perfect solution for repair workshops and radio amateurs.

For example, using the device you can perform the following operations:

  • put an external antenna on the base station
  • to conduct a rapid analysis of RF environments
  • check the correct operation of the repeater cellular
  • repair and adjustment of the repeater, generator, filter, etc.
  • measure SWR when using an external directional coupler.

Principle of operation

The spectrum analyzer is a portable device that is connected to the measured circuit and has an independent power supply. The device has a 3.2" color resistive screen to display the signal spectrum and to control the device.

The device is controlled by one of three ways:

  • by buttons and touchscreen on the device.
  • by an Android powered smartphone or tablet.
  • by a PC or laptop with Windows operating system

The data between the analyzer and smartphone/tablet/PC is transmitted through Bluetooth or USB-cable. The Bluetooth range is up to 10 m (Password for connecting via Bluetooth: 1234).

All the measured data is displayed in real time on the screen of the device or smartphone/tablet/PC.

You can install the analyzer software to control by smartphone or tablet from the Google Play (play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.arinst.ssa) or download from arinst.net/download-apk.php.

You can download the analyzer software to control by PC or laptop from arinst.net/download-apk.php.


There is a possibility of device control using API.

You can send the device a command to make a measurement (scanning range) with the following parameters:

  • start frequency
  • stop frequency
  • measuring step
  • the value of the attenuator

After the command completes, the device Arinst SSA-TG R2 will send the client device  (microcontroller, computer, mobile device, etc.) a message containing the measured values of the amplitudes for the given frequency values. The user can record the received data to a file, database, etc.

Using this API users can customize automatic measurements and use the spectrum analyzer Arinst SSA-TG R2 in their system. The API works in any programming language that supports work with input-output ports (Java, C, C++, C#, Python, Assembler, etc.).

An example of using the API can be downloaded from arinst.net/download-apk.php.

Basic functions of the analyzer software:

  • Displays the signal spectrums graphically and sets up the frequency range and reference limit.
  • Sets up and manages absolute and relative (delta) markers.
  • Searches one or a series (up to ten) of maximum values of the signal in the instantaneous or tracking mode.
  • Sets and stores unique identifiers of the frequency ranges - domains. For instance, a domain titled «DCS UpLink»  can be set for the range 1710-1785 MHz. Additionally, working frequency domains can be set for each operator. This option considerably facilitates the HF analysis and identification for the signals of conventional technologies.
  • Has pre-set domains and is able to store the domains in a file and share them with other devices to control the spectrum analyzers Arinst SSA-TG.
  • Has the tracing mode that generates a signal spectrum averaged by a number of measurements. In addition to the average spectrum, extreme values and moving average values can be displayed as well.
  • Stores the settings for the spectrum scanning (band limits, attenuator value and others) for a quick and easy switching into the required measurement mode.
  • Stores the spectrum signal with markers for later analysis. Then the stored graph can be opened in any Android device with the application «Arinst SSA» (in this event you don’t need to have the spectrum analyzer at hand) or use the table editor to convert the graph into the  required type of data display.
  • Simultaneous display of several selected frequency bands.
  • The function of the tracking generator for measuring the amplitude-frequency characteristics of filters, amplifiers and antennas.


  • low price
  • 3.2-inch color resistive display
  • wide frequency range: 35 to 6200 MHz
  • rapid scanning of the frequency range: approx. 500 µs per point
  • high measurement precision: 2 dB within the dynamic range 70-75 dB
  • compatibility with most Android powered devices and Windows-based computers
  • possibility to use one device with the help of several smartphones/tablets/PCs
  • exceptionally easy to use in the field: the weight is as low as 400 g, dimensions are 155х81х27 mm, independent supply lasts up to 4 h of uninterrupted operation, wireless data transmission to the smartphone/tablet/PC, the device can be power supplied from a smartphone/tablet/PC
  • free multifunctional software and free updates for the device control


  • Displayed frequency range: 35 — 6200 MHz
  • Measured frequency range: 35 — 4500 MHz
  • Dynamic range for 35-3000 MHz band: 75 dB
  • Dynamic range for 3000-4500 MHz band: 70 dB
  • Maximum Span: 6165 MHz
  • BW: 200 kHz, fixed
  • Scan speed for a viewing band of more than 100 MHz: 700 MHz/sec
  • Sweep 100 MHz: < 0.25 sec
  • Noise floor up to 3000 MHz: < - 90 dBm
  • Noise floor  3000 - 4500 MHz: < -85 dBm
  • Noise floor  4500 - 6200 MHz: < -80 dBm
  • Wave impedance: 50 Ohm
  • SWR at the operating frequency range:
  • Internal attenuator: 0 — 30 dB
  • Error with attenuation up to 10 dB: 2 dB
  • Error with attenuation from 10 to 20 dB: 5 dB
  • Error with attenuation from 20 to 30 dB: 8 dB
  • The output power of the tracking generator: -15...-25 dBm
  • Accuracy within the dynamical range: 2,0 dB
  • Maximum input power at attenuator 0 dB: 10 dBm
  • Maximum input power when the attenuation is above 20 dB: +20 dBm
  • Maximum input measured signal: +10 dBm
  • Maximum input DC voltage: 25 Volts
  • Maximum current consumption when running on battery: 450 mA
  • Maximum current draw when running from USB: 500 mA (when charging)
  • Battery: 2000 mAh
  • Time battery life: 3 hours
  • Battery charging time: ~ 5 Hours

Items included in the box:

  • Spectrum analyzer Arinst SSA-TG R2
  • Battery (pre-set inside the device)
  • HF adapter SMA(male)-SMA(female) to protect the HF connector from wear-and-tear (2 pcs)
  • USB – mini-USB cable to charge the device and for data transmission

Items not included in the box:

  • Smartphone or tablet under the Android’s 4.0.3 control or higher. Use your Android powered device in order to control the equipment. The device is implemented in one body, while the equipment for its control is built in another. It has been done in order to make the spectrum analyzer much simpler and more available. Also, use your laptop or computer for controlling the device.
  • External attenuation network. The maximum measured input power, which is supplied to the device, is limited by +5 dBm. If it is necessary to measure a larger value, each user of the device has to select the necessary attenuators on  one’s own.
  • Set of the super-high frequency adapters.


The spectrum analyzer Arinst SSA-TG R2 is not a measure gauge, as it does not have an approved pattern of the measuring equipment. The approval of pattern of the measuring equipment has had a negative effect on the availability and price of the device. For this reason the spectrum analyzer is officially considered a field indicator. However, the device fully meets all technical requirements. Each device is calibrated against the power and frequency.