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OWON XDS2102AV(VGA port/AV composite out搭載モデル) 100MHz/2Ch /12Bit デジタルオシロスコープ その4

2020-03-26 13:26:27 | オシロスコープ

OWON XDS2102AV(VGA port/AV composite out搭載モデル)  100MHz/2Ch /12Bit デジタルオシロスコープ その4

ElectronicsDIY5 web shop


(XDS2102Aの販売で、VGA/AV は、option扱いになります/収納バッグの同時注文も受け付けています)



現在では、XDS2102AVは、FFT viewのnoise floor level改善を認めています。

Refresh Rate Lowが機能追加されています。これは、averageか、このmodeで、方形波出力の2信号を描出するときなどに威力を発揮する場合があります。ある企業での希望で、機能追加されています。(他のメーカーでも、Micsig/Siglentで、Refresh rateを変更できる機能が追加されています)

In Acquire,"Refresh Rate low" is added.

I asked the purpose of this new feature,and I've got the answer about it.

"The low refresh rate is only for certain industry testing purpose, which is convenient to watch the change of every waveform. (if the refresh rate is high, there is too many waveform Superimposed)"

The way to make it decrease the waveform refresh rate ,is different from the way Siglent does on SDS1104X-E,in which the trigger outputs are also slow down,though in Owon case,no decreasing of the trigger outputs.But the display waveform refresh rate looks decreased massively.I didn't ask more,but if you get XDS2102AV,and you are curios about it,I will ask again to R&D.


I added the information already XDS2102AV review NO.1 about FFT view improvement,now the newest firmware improves the noise floor level of FFT.

Around -60dBm easily detected(8.83MHz IF of the double conversion transceiver)

I can't add more info to the review No.1,due to the limitation in which I can do write the description.

The noise floor level of FFT,it depends on the memory depth.Above instance,I set the memory depth 10K.If you set more deep,like 1MB,the noise floor wiil be lower.Anyway we have to think about the phase noise,I am not talking about 10k offset one,rather should consider the noise closer to the carrier.The so-called "hump" hampers to measure lower level signals.Probably you can measure up to -73dBm barely,but only if you can predict the target ferequency of the double conversion type transceiver,for instance 8.83MHz IF or 3.395MHz IF like that.Other digital oscilloscopes usually can't be measured low level signals like -60dBm(-73dBVrms),but even though it is true,you also should use the spectrum analyzer to make sure precisely.

SSG sine wave 25.000000MHz/-73dBm  Detected!!

I tried to measure SSG sine wave -73dBm,while using 50ohm feed through terminator(50ohm load).A bit not precise,losing the linearlity,though I could detect as -92.2dBVrms(-79.19dBm),around -6dB lower than predicted.The noise floor level was shown as -119dBVrms(nearly equal -106dBm),but it is supposed to be measured a little falsely.Anyway,I could detect -73dBm signal.The result was a bit not precise,but it is impressive.



Newest  Owon Oscilloscope Software Version 1.4.0

Grid Color/Back Ground Colorは、自由に変更可能(USB driverは、libusb win32で、Win10上のuser modeのapplication(OWON Oscilloscope Software)から、XDS2102AV usb deviceへのaccessを行っています。このUSB driverも別途、供給)

SSG 100.000000000MHz Sine Wave -10dBm (stability:more than 1x10E9)/Input 50ohm Load(Feed Through Terminator)
