Recently, LG G6 was spotted on GeekBench benchmarking website with the Android Oreo operating system. Now the company has launched an Oreo beta program for the G6 in China. Being a beta program, the software is not yet fully optimized for the device and users may experience some bugs till a stable version is released. The beta update will not have support for full features for the device. The LG G6 Wiko replacement parts was originally launched with Android 7.0 Nougat operating system in April this year in India.
As per a post on a Chinese forum (via Android Central), The software version for the 8.0 Oreo beta is V19A and supported models include the LGM-G600L, LGM-G600S, LGM-G600K, LGM-G600LR, LGM-G600SR, LGM-G600KR, LGM-G600LP, LGM-G600SP, and LGM-G600KP. At the moment the beta update is limited to China, but we expect that it will be released to other markets as well in future.
After the Oreo update, the Wiko parts will have picture-in-picture mode that lets users to two tasks simultaneously. So, for example, one can minimise a YouTube video while sending a text message or writing an email. Android Oreo has other features like including Background limits, installation of apps via APK, over 60 new emojis, notification dots, Wide-gamut colour for apps, Snoozing individual notification, Adaptive icons, Keyboard navigation, WebView enhancements and much more.
To recall, the LG G6 features a 5.7-inch 18:9 QHD+ FullVision display with a resolution of 2880 x 1440 pixels and is powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 821 processor. It comes with 4GB LPDDR4 RAM and 32GB/64GB on internal storage, which can be further expandable up to 2TB via MicroSD card. It runs on Android 7.0 Nougat operating system and is backed up by a 3,300mAh (embedded) battery with Qualcomm Quick Charge 3.0 support. It also houses a fingerprint scanner and comes with USB Type-C 2.0 (3.1 compatible) as well.