new type of healing laboratory


Improved pain a congenetically curved spine by healing

2014-03-15 22:05:53 | 代替医療治療。
the person who has congenetically curved spine has had long term disconfort which recently changed to pain.

I visited his flat on 19th August, and I started healing treatment from 2:30pm in his bed room.
first, wormed up L-5 area using hot water bottle under duvet.
to make softness the muscls of L5 area, and increased blood circulation ,

Using hot water bottle or mid-size towel with hot water is essentially important for warmming up the area's muscls.----about 20min.
This preparation of softness the muscles is very important to fix dislocated joints by my special healing.
otherwise, even try to remove joints, the hard muscles which is surround the joints, never moved at all.

then give massage into the area for 2-30min.

sometime, it takes 90-120 mins until muscles become completely soft.
I spent 2 and half hr for this preparation when I fix the joints which had deferent length of leg, about 3.5cm.
he was 44 years old and he thought it could not fix, now a day, most of this operation is very very painful.
but using my treatment does not need such a operation at all.

I check the muscles area by healing, the area is complete or not for softness.
then concentrate my healing power into one spot, to remove the joint.
select the this timing is important as well, this time, he needs 2 spots .

and it needs without consciousness situation , another word, patients have to sleep completely.

I finished this treatment about 5pm, with teaching the special exercise for this damage spain.
Also there is another thing needed, that is my experienced technic .
this detail is not to be published.(never push the joints at all -- and never retreated, only one)

If someone got similar trouble or any joints trouble, please send comments, or questions.
This cost is only within $100. and never need second treatment.
becouse my wave of healing power is different from ordinary healing wave.
I did maney spine damage people so far.

This is a kind of supernatunal power which is very unusual healing, even in the group of Chinese
healing member of organised by Beijing medical healing (北京中医研)

In case of joints trouble of after car accidents or any accidents would be more easy than this.

I will attend a small healing conferance in Rome at 18-19th of Oct 2014、organized by
and speach about this tequnic and benefical points for patients.
It is a small healing conferance mainly European(I am in UK) healre..