関連ニュース1地球って丸いの? 米青年3分の1は確信なし
関連ニュース2米若者に広まる「地球平面説」 NBA選手の発言がきっかけか
1. 地球は丸いと信じている。
2. 地球は丸いと信じてきたが、最近は疑っている。
3. 地球は平らだと信じてきたが、最近は疑っている。
4. 地球は平らだと信じている。
5. その他/分からない。
また、科学情報サイト「IFLScience」のRobin Andrewsによると、特定の宗教の敬虔な信者は科学を疑い、科学的なリサーチや研究結果を信じない傾向があるという。
海外ニュースNew Survey
Just 66 Percent Of Young Adults In America Accept That Earth Is Round, According To New Survey
The Flat Earth movement clearly isn’t going away anytime soon. Although we’d argue that it’s not going to suddenly become a mainstream belief, it is concerning how discussed it is, and admittedly the coverage of it – from the scientifically whimsical to the ridiculous – probably isn’t helping by giving such beliefs a platform.
Still, it’s a phenomenon worth looking into, and a YouGov survey has done just that. The results are unsettling, and hopefully the work of a certain demographic not taking the questions particularly seriously.
Surveying 8,215 US adults – weighted to be representative of the entire US population – it suggests that just 84 percent have “always believed the world is round.” Among 18-24-year-olds, however, this percentage falls to 66 percent, though it continually rises through various age groups to reach a peak of 94 percent for 55+.
The thought that just two-thirds of young adults in America accept that the planet is an oblate spheroid is deeply concerning, but wait – there’s more. Five percent of US adults have always thought the world was round, but have become more skeptical as of late. This number rises to 9 percent among 18-24-year-olds.
In contrast, 2 percent of all those surveyed have “always believed the world is flat”, which rises to 4 percent among 18-24-year-olds. Seven percent of the total answered “other/not sure”, which rises to 16 percent in 18-24-year-olds.
Generally speaking, the older someone in the US someone is, the less likely they are to have any Flat Earth beliefs. In this sense, then, the trend is the opposite for the acceptance of the theory of evolution in its most basic form, with older people less likely to accept that life has evolved over time.
Other curiosities pop out of the YouGov survey. Slightly fewer Democrats (83 percent) have always believed the world is round, compared to Republicans (89) or independents (88). Slightly more men have always believed the world is round (86) compared to women (83). People earning $80,000 per annum are more likely to accept the correct shape of Earth (92) than those earning $40-80,000 (87) or under $40,000 (79).
No part of the US (Northwest, South, etc.) has more dyed-in-the-wool Flat Earthers than any other; it's 2 percent throughout.
関連ニュース1地球って丸いの? 米青年3分の1は確信なし
関連ニュース2米若者に広まる「地球平面説」 NBA選手の発言がきっかけか
1. 地球は丸いと信じている。
2. 地球は丸いと信じてきたが、最近は疑っている。
3. 地球は平らだと信じてきたが、最近は疑っている。
4. 地球は平らだと信じている。
5. その他/分からない。
また、科学情報サイト「IFLScience」のRobin Andrewsによると、特定の宗教の敬虔な信者は科学を疑い、科学的なリサーチや研究結果を信じない傾向があるという。
海外ニュースNew Survey
Just 66 Percent Of Young Adults In America Accept That Earth Is Round, According To New Survey
The Flat Earth movement clearly isn’t going away anytime soon. Although we’d argue that it’s not going to suddenly become a mainstream belief, it is concerning how discussed it is, and admittedly the coverage of it – from the scientifically whimsical to the ridiculous – probably isn’t helping by giving such beliefs a platform.
Still, it’s a phenomenon worth looking into, and a YouGov survey has done just that. The results are unsettling, and hopefully the work of a certain demographic not taking the questions particularly seriously.
Surveying 8,215 US adults – weighted to be representative of the entire US population – it suggests that just 84 percent have “always believed the world is round.” Among 18-24-year-olds, however, this percentage falls to 66 percent, though it continually rises through various age groups to reach a peak of 94 percent for 55+.
The thought that just two-thirds of young adults in America accept that the planet is an oblate spheroid is deeply concerning, but wait – there’s more. Five percent of US adults have always thought the world was round, but have become more skeptical as of late. This number rises to 9 percent among 18-24-year-olds.
In contrast, 2 percent of all those surveyed have “always believed the world is flat”, which rises to 4 percent among 18-24-year-olds. Seven percent of the total answered “other/not sure”, which rises to 16 percent in 18-24-year-olds.
Generally speaking, the older someone in the US someone is, the less likely they are to have any Flat Earth beliefs. In this sense, then, the trend is the opposite for the acceptance of the theory of evolution in its most basic form, with older people less likely to accept that life has evolved over time.
Other curiosities pop out of the YouGov survey. Slightly fewer Democrats (83 percent) have always believed the world is round, compared to Republicans (89) or independents (88). Slightly more men have always believed the world is round (86) compared to women (83). People earning $80,000 per annum are more likely to accept the correct shape of Earth (92) than those earning $40-80,000 (87) or under $40,000 (79).
No part of the US (Northwest, South, etc.) has more dyed-in-the-wool Flat Earthers than any other; it's 2 percent throughout.