Entrance for Studies in Finance

Platz and Fitch, Business Banking 2nd ed., Barrons Educational:2001

Teodore A.Platz and Thomas P.Fitch, Business Banking 2nd ed., Barrons Educational:2001

APY annualized percentage yield

ATM automated teller machine

deposit side

checking accounts/savings accounts

deferred funds

NOW negotiable order of withdrawal :deposit acounts with check writing privileges

sweep accounts

zero balance accounts

depositor insurance
Keogh accounts self employed individual to make tax deductible contribution to the plan(HR-10accounts)
SEP simplified employee pension account

capital ratio  since 1992 a capitai to asset ratio of 8% has been the standard measure of capital adequacy in banking

   risk based capital formula

clearing house

correpondent banks

letter of credit

bankers' acceptance


repurchase agreements

loan side

rates float/stable

loan t0 deposit ratio 70% is regarded by many banks as optimal

loan guarantees


  loan to value ratio

compensating balances

consumer loans/mortgage loans/commercial loans

functional regulation

Community Reinvestment Act of 1977

Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999

average capital to astes ratio  4 or 5% to the 8% many small 7-10%

ROA over 2% or so 

ROE falls in tthe 10-to-15percentrange  all banks would like to be in the 15to 15 20percent range 

SWIFT society for world wide interbank financial telecommunication established in 1974, headquarters in Brussels,Belgiun

has extende associate menbership (non voting) to major corporations an securities firms 





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