Brinley Davies, Business Finance and the City of London : Heineman Educational, 1976でチェックした用語
insolvent 債務を返済するため清算に追い込まれる状態であること事業形態
1) one man business or sole proprietorship
長所:強い効率への動機付け 短所:無限責任 資金調達力
3)limited joint stock company有限責任株式会社
3-a)private limited company非公開有限責任会社
長所:有限責任 短所:株主数に上限
3-b)public limited company公開有限責任会社
外部金融external finance
1)borrowing借入 利子に支払い 借入期間 銀行借入
2)企業間信用trade credit
外部金融の今一つは持ち分equity 資本equities
1)ordinary shares普通株 議決権の付与
2)優先株preference shares 普通株に対し配当分配で優先、議決権は欠落
定款memorandum of association
社内規則articles of association
授権資本authorized capital 発行済資本issued capital
一般に authorized stock >issued capital, paid up capital
内部金融retained finance;自己金融self finance
ⅰ.償却基金depreciation funds
固定資産の減耗wear-and-tear or obsolescence
1)the straight-line depreciation method
2)the reducing balance depreciation method
ⅱ.retained profit
営業収支the trading account
損益表the profit and loss account
利益配分表the appropriation account
capital structure;high capital gearing;low capital gearing
primary securities;secondary securities
issuing houses;引受人underwriters
自己金融self finance
share finance; privately or open market
loan finance;長期金融long-term loan finance;短期金融short-term loan finance
企業間信用trade credit
銀行信用 当座貸越overdraft
為替手形bill of exchange; 商業手形trade bills; 金融手形finance bills; buying(discounting) bills
分割払いhire-purchase credit
under-subscribed;応募超過oversubscribed; nominal or par-value;issued at a premium;issued at a discount
公募offer for sale(public offer);私募placing an issue(private placement)
measuring a share's performance;
dividend rate as a return on the nominal value;
dividend yield on the basis of the share's market price a dividend yield;
益回りearnings yield;株価収益率 price-earnings rate
bulls and bears
account days:settlement days
call option;put option
contango: pay for the privilege of this carry-over facility