


2020-05-19 14:34:49 | 長生きしたいなら

Living matter all liquid of life.

2016-11-14 07:43:45 | 長生きしたいなら
Current Westan medicine medical tretment is mainly using chemicals,surgery,radiation therapy.
However, the disease that could be controlled is only three pathogens of smallpox, polio, measles.
Everyone has excellent educational background. Why cannot we control?
I have no educational background. However, we have already been able to control hepatitis C, penumonia, cancer, without using any chemicals.
I cannot say such things with lies and joke.
It is not valid only for humanity.
I am receiving information on the information I am getting for dogs' demention and aquatic fish diseases.
And this is not the only one. What you want to appeal to the maximum is that you can say there is a preventive effect.
Even with vaccine that dose not know whether it works or not, in the medical care so far, money is taken and contents like a fraud,but the magical water I can surey prevent influenza and pneumonia as well.
Everyone thinks that the basic is being studied wite the idea as mine.
My magical water don't need chemicals,surgery,radiantion therapy.
Please coming try believe me.
I want help human been long life not about money. Please believe me.