A headset is a gadget of combining a headphone with a microphone. I bet the sales of headsets had drastically increased amid the pandemic of the novel coronavirus.
Without exception, I'd also needed to get one of those for an upcoming online exam via the zoom app and the online lesson I was planning.
As I was checking them through the Amazon website, those gaming headsets had become to be more attractive because of their over-sized, conspicuous looks. And I realized that many of them were very much good value for money.
So, instantaneously, I've got one with red LED lights gleaming from the side of earmuffs. I couldn't believe it only cost 2,200 yen when I first got it out of a box. And on top of that, it worked very well.
I don't know how my test examiners are going to feel when they'll see me wearing this ridiculously big headset; I really made a good buy this time!
Without exception, I'd also needed to get one of those for an upcoming online exam via the zoom app and the online lesson I was planning.
As I was checking them through the Amazon website, those gaming headsets had become to be more attractive because of their over-sized, conspicuous looks. And I realized that many of them were very much good value for money.
So, instantaneously, I've got one with red LED lights gleaming from the side of earmuffs. I couldn't believe it only cost 2,200 yen when I first got it out of a box. And on top of that, it worked very well.
I don't know how my test examiners are going to feel when they'll see me wearing this ridiculously big headset; I really made a good buy this time!
先日購入したgaming headset。その名の通り(オンライン)ゲーム用のヘッドセットでゴツくて派手な外観が特徴です。headset(ヘッドセット)とはヘッドフォンにマイクが付いたものを指します。ちゃんとした英語です。因みにmicrophoneの略である「マイク」は和製英語っぽいですが私の知る限りアメリカでは"mic"や"mike"で通じるこちらもちゃんとした英語です。
※microphoneの略は"mic"だけだと思っていましたがスティーブンキングの小説"The Stand"に
"He blew into the mike and then spoke..."
4歳の娘もすっかり気に入ってしまった様子で使いたくても使わせてくれません。ヘッドフォン単体として見ても結構イイ音が出るんですよ、これ。質感もそこそこいい感じです。極めつけは妖しく光る赤いLED(異様にカッコいい😍 )!これで2200円ですからね。いや~。いい買い物しましたワ 。
ところでPC関連で伝わらない和製英語(カタカナ英語)で一番有名なのは「ノートパソコン」かな??まず「パソコン」自体が"personal computer"の略なので無理があります。英語でも"personal computer"とはめったに使わず略して使うのが一般的ですが頭文字を取って"PC"と言います(または"computer")。「ノート」は"note book"のノートのことだと思います。ノートパソコンで薄くて持ち運びできるパソコン。一見自然な感じがします。でも通じないですね。英語では"laptop PC"ですね。
正しくは座った状態の腿の上面、腰から膝までを指します。そこに置いて操作できるのでlaptop computerなんですね。私達通訳ガイドもバスの中で「小さなお子さんは膝の上に座らせてくださいね!」と注意をする場面がよくあります。バスが満席に近いのに小さなお子さんを本来座れない席に座らせてシレ~っとしている人を発見すると
"Sorry, but would you have your child sit on your lap?"
などと丁寧に、でもちょっと命令調でお願いしたものでした(今となってはそんなことすら懐かしい😭 )。