日本で使われている多くのスマートフォンにはNFCと言う非接触型のICチップが搭載されている。海外ではQRコードを使った電子決済が使われいるが、日本では昔からNFCが使われてきた。非接触でより多くのデータを転送できる。セキュリティにも優れている為、QRコード決済が始まる前から使われてきた。最近、海外モデルでもNFCを搭載したモデルが販売されるようになって来た。しかし、私が使用しているスマートフォンは2020年1月にフィリピン・レガスピで購入したOPPO A5 2020。私が日本とフィリピンで使うのに全く問題ないスマートフォン。デュアルSIMモデルなので、日本のSIMカードとフィリピンのSIMカードが入り、常に同時待ち受け状態になっている。
昨日、インターネットでNFC搭載でデュアルSIMモデルを探したら、同じOPPO社からReno Aと言うモデルが約22000円で販売されている。フィリピンへ行く前にスマートフォンの買い替えを行わなければならない。
Vaccination certificate will be actively used in Japan Digitized by the end of the year
Vaccination certificate will be actively used in Japan ... Digitized by the end of the year
The government has decided to actively utilize the new coronavirus vaccine inoculation certificate issued for overseas travelers at domestic commercial facilities. The certificate currently issued in writing will be digitized by the end of the year and will be used domestically. We would like to achieve both infection control and resumption of economic activities.
Chief Cabinet Secretary Kato said at a press conference on the 26th, "We are urgently considering how to realize digitalization by the end of the year. If digitization is possible, it is quite possible that it will be used in Japan as well."
At a press conference on the 25th, Prime Minister Suga also mentioned the use of the immunity passport at restaurants, travel, and events, and emphasized that he would "consider the recovery of daily life and socio-economic activities."
The vaccination certificate includes the name, date of birth, passport number, vaccination date, type of vaccination, etc. If used in Japan, it is expected that hotels and restaurants will be able to receive services and discounts on condition that they are presented.
Until now, the government was cautious about domestic use, saying that "it is not appropriate to treat unfairly discriminatory treatment depending on the presence or absence of inoculation" (Mr. Kato), but the business community has strongly requested that it be used.
Keidanren submitted a proposal to the government in June requesting the early use of vaccination certificates. Examples of utilization include discounts on food and drink prices, relaxation of restrictions on admission to events, and relaxation of restrictions on visits to nursing care facilities.
The government plans to create operational guidelines so that people who do not have an immunity pass will not suffer any disadvantages.
From the Yomiuri Shimbun
静岡県の65歳以上のワクチン接種率は、6月6日現在、16.47% 47県中44位である。