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Valencia takes over as Navy chief in acting capacity

2022-09-11 11:16:15 | フィリピン

Valencia takes over as Navy chief in acting capacity

Valencia takes over as Navy chief in acting capacity


Rear Admiral Caesar Bernard Valencia takes over the Philippine Navy's top position in an acting capacity following the compulsory retirement of Vice Admiral Adeluis Bordado on Thursday.


Bordado, the 39th Flag Officer In Command of the Philippine Navy, relinquished the top Navy post as he bowed out of service upon reaching the mandatory retirement age of 56.


In his remarks, Bordado expressed full confidence in the next Flag Officer In Command (FOIC) of the Philippine Navy to find “value in the worthwhile initiatives and priorities that my predecessors and I have taken”, as the “continuity of efforts is as important as the potential effect of organizational changes.”


Commander Benjo Negranza, Philippine Navy public affairs director said Valencia, who is the deputy of Bordado, succeeded him in acting capacity pending the appointment of a full-fledged FOIC of the Philippine Navy by President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.


The change of command and retirement ceremonies in Manila was led by Department of National Defense (DND) Officer-in-Charge, Senior Undersecretary Jose Faustino Jr.


In his speech, Faustino assured Valencia of his “full trust and confidence” and gave a marching order to “lead the Navy as a reliable partner in nation-building, sustain its transformation into a modern and multi-capable force, a dependable protector not only of our seas but also of our nation’s future.”


Being the Navy’s “steward until our Commander-in-Chief decides to whom he gives the mantle of leadership of this maritime nation’s premier fighting force at sea and from the sea”, Valencia vowed to continue the thrusts and guidance of his predecessor while looking forward to the bright future of the organization.


“As we continue to sail on towards our vision year in 2028 to be modern and multi-capable, the Navy’s promise to our maritime nation is that your Navy can still be better, and that your Navy will be better. And although much has been achieved over the years, the Navy’s proudest moments are still to come”, he said.


Valencia, a graduate of Philippine Military Academy Class of 1990 previously serve as the Chief of Naval Staff, the Commander of Naval Forces Northern Luzon, and the Commander of the Offshore Combat Force wherein he spearheaded big-ticket projects initiated by the Navy such as the acquisition of offshore patrol vessels, frigates and corvettes. Robina Asido/DMS

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