市町村別では富士市が一番多く、11人です。 富士市は新幹線通勤で東京へ通う人が多いからではないでしょうか?
今日の菊川市も快晴です。 「武漢肺炎」に負けない様に、今日も元気で頑張って生きましょう。
Good morning.
I have been praying for "the end of China virus" at Mineda Shrine this morning as well.
Thanks to the visit, there were 26 new positives in Shizuoka prefecture and 0 in Kikugawa city yesterday.
By municipality, Fuji City has the largest number, with 11 people. Isn't it because there are many people who go to Tokyo by Shinkansen commuting in Fuji City?
Today's Kikugawa city is also sunny. Let's live well today so as not to lose to "China virus".
ただいま 朝の散歩中です。 2020年12月27日