二枚貝属名辞典 A lexicon of bivalve genera – Lexicon generum bivalvium (Keenocardium-Kennerlia)
Keenocardium (n.) Kafanov, 1974, Zool. Zhurn., 53(10): 1468 (fide Habe, 1977: 172), type species (OD) Cardium californiense Deshayes, 1839, 2: 360; Cardiidae. Dedicated to Angeline Myra Keen (1905-1986), professor of paleontology at the Stanford University; Cardium Linnaeus, 1758, ed. 10, 1: 678. スタンフォード大学の古生物学者マイラ・キーン教授に因む;ワダチザルガイ科エゾイシカゲガイ属
Kellia (f.) Turton, 1822: xix, 56-57, type species (SD Récluz, 1844, 7: 295) Mya suborbicularis Montagu, 1803, (1): 39; Lasaeidae. Named after Mr. O’Kelly of Dublin. オケリーに因む;チリハギガイ科コハクノツユガイ属
Kelliella (f.) M. Sars, 1870, 17(2-3): 201, 207-208, type species (M) Kelliella abyssicola M. Sars, 1870, 17(2-3): 201-209, no, 91, pl. 12, figs. 11-15, pl. 13, figs. 16-26 [= Venus miliaris Philippi, 1844, 2: 36-37, pl. 14, fig. 15 (fide Keen, 1969, 2 (of 3): N652)]; Kelliellidae. Kellia Turton, 1822; -ella, L. duminitive. 小型のコハクノツユガイ属Kellia;ケシハマグリ科ケシハマグリ属

Kelliella abyssicola M. Sars, 1870, pl. 12, figs. 11-15.
Kennerleya (f.) Fischer, 1887: 1158 [unjustified emend. pro Kennerlia Carpenter, 1865], type species (SD Stoliczka, 1870, 3: 61) Kennerlia bicarinata Carpenter, 1865, for 1864(3): 603; Pandoridae. Kennerley博士に献名;ネリガイ科ネリガイ属
Kennerleyia (f.) Dall, 1903 in 1890-1903, 3(6): 1517 [unjustified emend. pro Kennerlia Carpenter, 1865], type species (SD Stoliczka, 1870, 3: 61) Kennerlia bicarinata Carpenter, 1865, for 1864(3): 603 [Dall, 1903 in 1890-1903, 3(6): 1517 says type species is (OD) Kennerlia filosa Carpenter, 1865, for 1864(3): 602-603]; Pandoridae. Kennerley博士に献名;ネリガイ科ネリガイ属
Kennerlia (f.) Carpenter, 1865, for 1864(3): 602, type species (SD Stoliczka, 1870, 3: 61) Kennerlia bicarinata Carpenter, 1865, for 1864(3): 603, Catalina Island, California; Pandoridae. Named after the late Dr. Kennerley, the naturalist to the Amarican N. Pacific Boundary Survey (Carpenter, 1865, for 1864(3): 602, foot-note). Kennerley博士に献名;ネリガイ科ネリガイ属
Keenocardium (n.) Kafanov, 1974, Zool. Zhurn., 53(10): 1468 (fide Habe, 1977: 172), type species (OD) Cardium californiense Deshayes, 1839, 2: 360; Cardiidae. Dedicated to Angeline Myra Keen (1905-1986), professor of paleontology at the Stanford University; Cardium Linnaeus, 1758, ed. 10, 1: 678. スタンフォード大学の古生物学者マイラ・キーン教授に因む;ワダチザルガイ科エゾイシカゲガイ属
Kellia (f.) Turton, 1822: xix, 56-57, type species (SD Récluz, 1844, 7: 295) Mya suborbicularis Montagu, 1803, (1): 39; Lasaeidae. Named after Mr. O’Kelly of Dublin. オケリーに因む;チリハギガイ科コハクノツユガイ属
Kelliella (f.) M. Sars, 1870, 17(2-3): 201, 207-208, type species (M) Kelliella abyssicola M. Sars, 1870, 17(2-3): 201-209, no, 91, pl. 12, figs. 11-15, pl. 13, figs. 16-26 [= Venus miliaris Philippi, 1844, 2: 36-37, pl. 14, fig. 15 (fide Keen, 1969, 2 (of 3): N652)]; Kelliellidae. Kellia Turton, 1822; -ella, L. duminitive. 小型のコハクノツユガイ属Kellia;ケシハマグリ科ケシハマグリ属

Kelliella abyssicola M. Sars, 1870, pl. 12, figs. 11-15.
Kennerleya (f.) Fischer, 1887: 1158 [unjustified emend. pro Kennerlia Carpenter, 1865], type species (SD Stoliczka, 1870, 3: 61) Kennerlia bicarinata Carpenter, 1865, for 1864(3): 603; Pandoridae. Kennerley博士に献名;ネリガイ科ネリガイ属
Kennerleyia (f.) Dall, 1903 in 1890-1903, 3(6): 1517 [unjustified emend. pro Kennerlia Carpenter, 1865], type species (SD Stoliczka, 1870, 3: 61) Kennerlia bicarinata Carpenter, 1865, for 1864(3): 603 [Dall, 1903 in 1890-1903, 3(6): 1517 says type species is (OD) Kennerlia filosa Carpenter, 1865, for 1864(3): 602-603]; Pandoridae. Kennerley博士に献名;ネリガイ科ネリガイ属
Kennerlia (f.) Carpenter, 1865, for 1864(3): 602, type species (SD Stoliczka, 1870, 3: 61) Kennerlia bicarinata Carpenter, 1865, for 1864(3): 603, Catalina Island, California; Pandoridae. Named after the late Dr. Kennerley, the naturalist to the Amarican N. Pacific Boundary Survey (Carpenter, 1865, for 1864(3): 602, foot-note). Kennerley博士に献名;ネリガイ科ネリガイ属