Anonymous, 1845. Neue Literatur. A. Bücher. 1844. A. d’Orbigny: Paléontologie française; terrains crétacés. [Jahrb. 1844, 461]: livr. LXXVII-XC, cont. Tome III, 97-288, pl. 295-347. A. d’Orbigny: Paléontologie française; terrains crétacés. [Jahrb. 1844, 461]: livr. XX-XXVII, cont. Tome I, 225-312, pl. 77-108. Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geognosie, Geologie und Petrefakten-Kunde, Jahrgang 1845: 195. [available online at]
Anonymous, 1990. Opinion 1615. Trapeziidae Miers, 1886 (Crustacea, Decapoda) and Trapeziidae Lamy, 1920 (Mollusca, Bivalvia): homonymy removed. The Bulletin of Zoological Nomenlature, vol. 47(3): 229-230. [available online at]
Anton, Hermann Eduard, 1837. Diagnosen einiger neuen Conchylien-Arten. Archiv für Naturgeschicht, Jahrg. 3, Bd. 1: 281-286. [available online at]
Anton, Hermann Eduard, 1838. Verzeichniss der Conchylien welche sich in der Sammlung. Pp. iii-xiv, 1-110, Eduard Anton, Halle. [9 Oct. (p. 110); available online at; for date of publication see Cernohorsky, 1978, 20(3): 299]
Archiac, Adolphe d’ and Haime, Jules, 1853. Description des animaux fossiles du Groupe Nummulitique de l’Inde précédée d’un résume géologique et d’une monographie des nummulites. vii + 373 + iii pp., 36 pls., Gide & J. Baudry, Paris. [available online at]
Argenville, Antoine-Joseph Dezailler d’, 1742. L'histoire naturelle éclaircie dans deux de ses parties principales, la lithologie et la conchyliologie, don’t l’une traite des pierres et l’autre des coquillages, ouvrage dans lequel on trouve une Nouvelle méthode & une notice critique des principaux Auteurs qui ont écrit sur ces matiéres. Partie 1, la lithologie: pp. 1-91; explication de plusieurs termes: 93-105; partie 2, conchyliologie ou traité general des coquillages de mer, de riviére et de terre: 107-395; table alphabetique/elenchus alphabeticus, 397-456; table alphabetique des matieres continues dans cet ouvrage, 457-491, (1 p., additions et corrections), pls. 1-33; apendice, 281[381]-394, pls. 1-3, De Bure, Paris. [available online at]
Arkell, W J, 1930. The generic position and phylogeny of some Jurassic Arcidae. Geological Magazine, vol. 67, issue 7: 297-310; vol. 67, issue 8: 337-352, pls. 14-16. [fide Villaseñor et al., 2005, 22(1): 85] 伊都図書館
Arnold, Ralph, 1906. The Tertiary and Quaternary pectens of California. United States Geological Survey, Professional Paper, 47(C): 1-264, pls. 1-53. [available online at;]
朝比奈泰彦・清水藤太郎, 1931. 植物薬物学名典範/科学ラテン・ギリシャ語法. 428 pp., 春陽堂, 東京. Rep., 1981, 有明書房, 東京. [Asahina, Yasuhiko and Shimizu, Toraro, 1931. A lexicon of scientific names of plants and pharmacopoeias, scientific Latin and Greek. 428 pp., Shun-yodo, Tokyo; rep., 1981, Ariake-Shobo, Tokyo.]
Assmann, Paul Gustav Bernhard, 1916. Die Brachiopoden und Lamellibranchiaten der Oberschlesischen Trias. Jahrbuch der Königlich Preussischen Geologischen Landesanstalt zu Berlin, Band 36, Theil 1, Heft 3: 586–638, pls. 30–36. [Published for 1915; Macrodontella: 616; fide Vokes, 1980: 15; Ros-Franch et al., 2014, (8): 177; Schuberth & Lindert, 2018, 41(2018): 60]
Badcock, E. C., 1964. A. E. Salisbury, 1876-1964. Journal of Conchology, vol. 25(7): 293-298, pl. 21. [available online at]
Bailly, Anatole, 1928. Dictionnaire grec-français. 2227 pp., Hachette, Paris.
Baird, W., 1863. Descriptions of some new species of shells, collected at Vancouver Island and in British Columbia by J. K. Lord, Esq, naturalist to the British North-American Boundary Commission, in the years 1858-1862. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, for 1863: 66-70. [May; available online at]
Baird, W. and Adams, Henry, 1867. Notes upon some interesting Chinese shells, with a description of two or three new species of Unionidae, collected at Shanghai by Jones Lamprey, M.D., 67th Regiment, C.M.Z.S. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, for 1867: 489-492, pl. 26. [Oct.; available online at]
Baker, H. Burrington, 1953. Publications received. Marine Mollusca of the eastern coast of North America: their names and meanings. By Henry Poirier. The Nautilus, vol. 66, no. 4: 143. [Apr.; available online at]
Barash, Al. and Danin, Z., 1986. Further additions to the knowledge of Indo-Pacific Mollusca in the Mediterranean Sea. Spixiana, Band 9, no. 2: 117-141. [30 Nov.; available online at]
Barrande, Joachim, 1881. Systême Silurien du centre de la Bohême. Partie 1: Recherches paléontologiques. Tome 6. Classe des mollusques. Ordre des Acéphalés. xxiv + 342 pp., pls. 1-361, Paris. [text & pls. 1-48, available online at; pls. 49-154, available online at; pls. 155-254, available online at; pls. 255-361, available online at]
Anonymous, 1990. Opinion 1615. Trapeziidae Miers, 1886 (Crustacea, Decapoda) and Trapeziidae Lamy, 1920 (Mollusca, Bivalvia): homonymy removed. The Bulletin of Zoological Nomenlature, vol. 47(3): 229-230. [available online at]
Anton, Hermann Eduard, 1837. Diagnosen einiger neuen Conchylien-Arten. Archiv für Naturgeschicht, Jahrg. 3, Bd. 1: 281-286. [available online at]
Anton, Hermann Eduard, 1838. Verzeichniss der Conchylien welche sich in der Sammlung. Pp. iii-xiv, 1-110, Eduard Anton, Halle. [9 Oct. (p. 110); available online at; for date of publication see Cernohorsky, 1978, 20(3): 299]
Archiac, Adolphe d’ and Haime, Jules, 1853. Description des animaux fossiles du Groupe Nummulitique de l’Inde précédée d’un résume géologique et d’une monographie des nummulites. vii + 373 + iii pp., 36 pls., Gide & J. Baudry, Paris. [available online at]
Argenville, Antoine-Joseph Dezailler d’, 1742. L'histoire naturelle éclaircie dans deux de ses parties principales, la lithologie et la conchyliologie, don’t l’une traite des pierres et l’autre des coquillages, ouvrage dans lequel on trouve une Nouvelle méthode & une notice critique des principaux Auteurs qui ont écrit sur ces matiéres. Partie 1, la lithologie: pp. 1-91; explication de plusieurs termes: 93-105; partie 2, conchyliologie ou traité general des coquillages de mer, de riviére et de terre: 107-395; table alphabetique/elenchus alphabeticus, 397-456; table alphabetique des matieres continues dans cet ouvrage, 457-491, (1 p., additions et corrections), pls. 1-33; apendice, 281[381]-394, pls. 1-3, De Bure, Paris. [available online at]
Arkell, W J, 1930. The generic position and phylogeny of some Jurassic Arcidae. Geological Magazine, vol. 67, issue 7: 297-310; vol. 67, issue 8: 337-352, pls. 14-16. [fide Villaseñor et al., 2005, 22(1): 85] 伊都図書館
Arnold, Ralph, 1906. The Tertiary and Quaternary pectens of California. United States Geological Survey, Professional Paper, 47(C): 1-264, pls. 1-53. [available online at;]
朝比奈泰彦・清水藤太郎, 1931. 植物薬物学名典範/科学ラテン・ギリシャ語法. 428 pp., 春陽堂, 東京. Rep., 1981, 有明書房, 東京. [Asahina, Yasuhiko and Shimizu, Toraro, 1931. A lexicon of scientific names of plants and pharmacopoeias, scientific Latin and Greek. 428 pp., Shun-yodo, Tokyo; rep., 1981, Ariake-Shobo, Tokyo.]
Assmann, Paul Gustav Bernhard, 1916. Die Brachiopoden und Lamellibranchiaten der Oberschlesischen Trias. Jahrbuch der Königlich Preussischen Geologischen Landesanstalt zu Berlin, Band 36, Theil 1, Heft 3: 586–638, pls. 30–36. [Published for 1915; Macrodontella: 616; fide Vokes, 1980: 15; Ros-Franch et al., 2014, (8): 177; Schuberth & Lindert, 2018, 41(2018): 60]
Badcock, E. C., 1964. A. E. Salisbury, 1876-1964. Journal of Conchology, vol. 25(7): 293-298, pl. 21. [available online at]
Bailly, Anatole, 1928. Dictionnaire grec-français. 2227 pp., Hachette, Paris.
Baird, W., 1863. Descriptions of some new species of shells, collected at Vancouver Island and in British Columbia by J. K. Lord, Esq, naturalist to the British North-American Boundary Commission, in the years 1858-1862. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, for 1863: 66-70. [May; available online at]
Baird, W. and Adams, Henry, 1867. Notes upon some interesting Chinese shells, with a description of two or three new species of Unionidae, collected at Shanghai by Jones Lamprey, M.D., 67th Regiment, C.M.Z.S. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, for 1867: 489-492, pl. 26. [Oct.; available online at]
Baker, H. Burrington, 1953. Publications received. Marine Mollusca of the eastern coast of North America: their names and meanings. By Henry Poirier. The Nautilus, vol. 66, no. 4: 143. [Apr.; available online at]
Barash, Al. and Danin, Z., 1986. Further additions to the knowledge of Indo-Pacific Mollusca in the Mediterranean Sea. Spixiana, Band 9, no. 2: 117-141. [30 Nov.; available online at]
Barrande, Joachim, 1881. Systême Silurien du centre de la Bohême. Partie 1: Recherches paléontologiques. Tome 6. Classe des mollusques. Ordre des Acéphalés. xxiv + 342 pp., pls. 1-361, Paris. [text & pls. 1-48, available online at; pls. 49-154, available online at; pls. 155-254, available online at; pls. 255-361, available online at]