

Bakewellia, incorrect subsequent spelling of Bakevellia King, 1848

2019-04-07 13:06:57 | 日記
Dr. Alan Kabat, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, kindly sent me a scan of the essential pages of King (1848).

W. King proposed the genus Bakevellia in King (1848: 10) and he said Bakevellia was named after Mr. Robert Bakewell, the author of "An introduction to geology" (King, 1850: 166).

Bakevellia King, 1848 is a correct original spelling, so it should be preserved without change.

Bakewellia Gruenewaldt, 1851, 3: 264; Fischer, 1866, (10): 990; Scudder, 1884, (2): 35; Dall, 1937: 447; Neave, 1939, 1: 385, etc. are incorrect subsequent spelling for Bakevellia King, 1848.

Bakevellia (f.) King, 1848: 10; 1850: 166; Chenu, 1862: 162; Miller, 1877: 185; Sherborn, 1924, sect. 2, part 4: 643, L. [melior Bakewellia]; Neave, 1939, 1: 385 [as Bakevellia (pro Bakewellia King, 1848) Miller 1877, Amer. palaeoz. Foss., 185.-Moll.], type species (SD King, 1850: 166) Avicula antiqua Münster in Goldfuss, 1836, 2(5): 126, pl. 116, figs. 7a-b [(?SM Fischer, 1866, (10): 990)]; Bakevelliidae. Named after Robert Bakewell, the author of “An introduction to geology” (King, 1850: 166). An etymology is given in King (1850), not in the original publication (King, 1848) itself, therefore Bakevellia should be preserved as a correct original spelling (ICZN Art. 32.2). Robert Bakewellに献名(Robert Bakewellに献名するならBakewelliaと綴るべきであったが、語源については原著中ではなく後の著作中で触れられているために訂正されるべき誤った原著の綴りには当たらず、命名規約32条2項に従いBakevelliaを正しい原著の綴りとする);贝氏蛤科贝氏蛤属

Bakewellia (f.) [incorrect subsequent spelling for Bakevellia King, 1848: 10] Gruenewaldt, 1851, 3: 264; Fischer, 1866, (10): 990; Scudder, 1884, (2): 35; Dall, 1937: 447; Neave, 1939, 1: 385, type species (SM Gruenewaldt, 1851, 3: 264) Bakewellia keratophaga Schlotheim sensu King, 1850: 167, pl. 14, figs. 24-27; [SM Fischer, 1866, (10): 990) Avicula antiqua Münster in Goldfuss, 1836: 126, pl. 116, figs. 7a-b]; Bakevelliidae. Named after Robert Bakewell, the author of “An introduction to geology” (King, 1850: 166; Fischer, 1886, (10): 990). Robert Bakewellに献名;贝氏蛤科贝氏蛤属