

二枚貝属名辞典 A lexicon of bivalve genera – Lexicon generum bivalvium III. Reference 28

2018-09-12 06:33:28 | 日記
III. Reference 28 (Khomenko-Kure)

Khomenko, I. P., 1937. Genus Yoldia in the Tertiary deposits of the oil-bearing regions of northern Sakhalin. Trudy NIGRI, ser. A, vol. 97: 1-31, pls. 1-6. (In Russian; fide Amano et al., 59(3): 198).

Kieffer, J. J., 1913. Nouvelle étude sur les Chironomides de l’Indian Museum de Calcutta. Records of the Indian Museum, vol. 9(3): 119-197, pls. 11-12.

木原研三・福村虎治郎, 1994. 新グローバル英和辞典. 2095 pp.,三省堂,東京. [Kihara, Kenzo and Fukumura, Torajiro, 1994. The new global English-Japanese dictionary. 2095 pp., Sanseido, Tokyo.]

菊池典男・大原健司・大谷洋子・鹿取秀雄, 1996. 西宮市所蔵黒田徳米博士記載貝類模式標本. 152 pp., 44 pls., 西宮市. [Kikuchi, Norio, Ohara, Kenji, Otani, Yoko and Katori, Hideo, 1996. Catalogue of the shellfish type specimens described by the late Dr. Tokubei Kuroda in the possession of Nishinomiya City. 152 pp., 44 pls., Nishinomiya.]

King, William, Nov. 1844. On a new genus of Palaeozoic shells. The Annals and Magazine of Natural History, vol. 14(92): 313-317. (Nov.)

吉良哲明, 1959. 原色日本貝類図鑑. 増補改訂版. vii + 239 pp., 71 pls., 保育社, 大阪. [Kira, Tetsuaki, 1959. Coloured illustrations of the shells of Japan. Vol. 1, enlarged & revised edition. vii + 239 pp., 71 pls., Hoikusha, Osaka.]

Kirby, William, 1837. The insects. In Richardson, John: Fauna boreali-americana; or the zoology of the northern parts of British America: containing descriptions of the objects of natural history collected on the late northern land expeditions, under command of Captain Sir John Franklin, R.N., part 4, by the Rev. William Kirby, xxxix + 325 pp., 8 pls., Josiah Fletcher, Norwich.

Kirby, William and Spence, William, 1828. An introduction to entomology, or elements of the natural history of insects. Ed. 5, vol. 3: 1-732, pls. 6-20. (Artemis: 248)

Klein, Jakob Theodor, 1753. Jacobi Theodori Klein tentamen methodi ostracologicae sive dispositio naturalis cochlidum et concharum in suas classes, genera et species, iconibus singulorum generum aeri incisis illustrata accedit lucubratiuncula de formatione, cremento et coloribus testarum quae sunt cochlidum et concharum tum commentariolum in locum Plinii Hist. Nat. Libr. IX, cap. XXXIII, de concharum differentiis. Denique sciagraphia methodi ad genus Serpentium ordinate digerendum. [viii] + 177 + [35] + 44 + 16 + [2] p., 12 pls., Georg. Jac. Wishoff, Lugduni Batavorum.

Knorr, Georg Wolfgang, 1757-1772. Vergnügen der Augen und des Gemüths, in Vorstellung einer allgemeinen Samlung von Muscheln und andern Geschöpfen, welche im Meer gefunden werden. Vol. 1 (Text), Theil 1: 1-39, [pls. 1-30] (1757); Theil 2: 1-56 + (16), [pls. 1-30] (1764); Theil 3: 1-52, [pls. 1-30] (1768); Theil 4: 1-48 + (14), [pls. 1-30] (1769); Theil 5: 1-46, [pls. 1- 30] (1771); Theil 6: 1-76, 1-18 (Rumphus), 1-11 (Linnaeus), 1-100 (allgemeines Register), [pls. 1-40] (1772); vol. 2 (Atlas), Collection des differentes espèces de coquillages qu’on trouve dans les mers rassemblée & communiquée au public, part. 1: pls. 1-30 (1757); part. 2: pls. 1-30 (?1764); part. 3: pls. 1-30 (1768); part. 4: pls. 1-30 (1769); part. 5: pls. 1-30 (1771); part. 6: pls. 1-40 (1773).

Kobayashi, Teiichi and Suzuki, Koichi, 1937. Non-marine shells of the Jurassic Tetori series in Japan. Japanese Journal of Geology and Geography, vol. 14, nos. 1-2: 33-51, pls. 4-5. 九大伊都図書

Kobelt, Wilhelm, 1876-1881. Illustrirtes Conchylienbuch. Vol. 1, Lfg. l, 1-40, pls. 1-10 (1876); Lfg. 2, 41-64, pls. 11-20 (1877); Lfg. 3, 65-88, pls. 21-30 (1878); Lfg. 4, 89-104, pla. 31-40 (1878); Lfg. 5, i-xvi, 105-144, pls. 41-50 (1878); vol. 2, Lfg. 6, 145-176, pls. 51-60 (1879); Lfg. 7/8, 177-264, pls. 61-80 (1879); Lfg. 9, 265-312, pls. 81-90 (1880); Lfg. 10, 313-344, pls. 91-100 (1881); Lfg. 11, 345-392, pls. 101-112 (1881), Nuernberg.

Kobelt, Wilhelm, 1879. Fauna molluscorum extramarinorum Japoniae. Pp. 1-171, pls. 1-23, Christian Winter, Frankfurt am Mein. [W. Kobelt, 1879. Fauna japonica extramarina. Abhandlungen herausgegeben von der Senckenbergischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft, Bd. 11: 285-455, pls. 1-23.]

Kobelt, Wilhelm, 1891. Die Gattung Arca L. in Abbildungen nach der Natur mit Beschreibungen. Systematisches Conchylien-Cabinet von Martini und Chemnitz, Bd. 8(2): 1-238, pls. 1-49.

Koch, Bergrath, 1846. Aenigma, Koch. Systematisches Conchylien-Cabinet von Martini und Chemnitz, Bd. 7(1): 61-64.

Koenen, A. von, 1885. Über eine palaeocäne Fauna von Kopenhagen. Abhandlungen der Physicalischen Classe der Königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, Bd. 32: 3-128, pls. 1-5.

Kölliker, Albert, 1853. Die Schwimmpolypen oder Siphonophoren von Messina. 96 pp., 12 pls., Wilhelm Engelmann, Leipzig. (Hippopodiidae: 28)

Koninck, Laurent-Guillaume de, 1842-1844[1851]. Description des animaux fossiles qui se trouvent dans le terrain carbonifére de Belgique. 3 vols.: 1 (text), iv + 650 (1842), 2 (planches), pls. A-I, K, 2-55 (1842-1844), 3 (supplément): 651-716, pls. LVI(I)-LX (V), explication de la planches (1851). [http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb30691629w; 1(3): 97-240; vol. 1, https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=nyp.33433090911011;view=1up;seq=9]

Korobkov, I. A., 1954. Spravochnik i metodicheskoe rukovodstvo po tretichnym molliuskam. Plastinchatozhabernye. [Handbook and systematic guide to the Tertiary Mollusca. Lamellibranchia.] 444 pp., 96 pls., Gostoptekhizdat, Leningrad (fide Bouchet & Rocroi, 2010, 52(2): 153).

Krauss, Ferdinand, 1848. Die südafrikanischen Mollusken. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Mollusken des Kap- und Natallandes und zur geographichen Verbreitung Derselben, mit Beschreibung und Abbildung der neuen Arten. 140 pp., Ebner & Seubert, Stuttgart.

Krishtofovich, L. V., 1964. Molluscs from the Tertiary deposits of Sakhalin. Trudy VNIGRI, vol. 232: 1-344, pls. 1-55 (in Russian; fide Amano et al., 59(3): 198; Multidentata: 117; VNIGRI: All-Union Geological Oil Exploration Institute).

Kure, Shigeichi and Izumi, Kiyoshi, 1957. Parva grammatica Latina. 172 pp., Iwanami-Shoten, Tokyo. [呉 茂一・泉 木吉, 1957. ラテン語小文典付ギリシャ語要約およびラテン・ギリシャ造語法. 172 pp., 岩波書店, 東京.]

