Bernardi, C., 1861. Description d’espèces nouvelles. Journal de Conchyliologie, tome 9 [= sér. 3, tome 1]: 46-49. [1 Jan.; available online at]
Berry, S. Stillman, 1947. New Mollusca from the Pleistocene of San Pedro, California-III. Bulletins of American Paleontology, vol. 31, no. 127: 1(255)-20(274), pls. 1(26)-2(27). [14 Nov.; Adontorhina: 6(260); available online at]
Bertin, Victor, 1878. Révision des Tellinidés du Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle. Nouvelles Archives du Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle, sér. 2, tome 1: 201-361, pls. 8-9. [available online at]
Bertin, Victor, 1881. Révision des Donacidées du Muséum d’Histroire Naturelle. Nouvelles Archives du Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle, ser. 2, vol. 4: 57-121, pls. 3-4. [available online at]
Bertrand, E., 1763. Dictionnaire universel des fossiles propres, et des fossiles accidentels. Tome 2: 256 pp., Pierre Gosse junior et Daniel Pinet, La Haye. [available online at]
Beu, Alan G., 1971. Genera of the bivalve family Mesodesmatidae, with comments on some Australasian species. Journal of Malacological Society of Australia, vol. 2, issue 2: 113-131. [Sept.]
Beu, Alan G. and Maxwell, P. A., 1990. Cenozoic Mollusca of New Zealand. New Zealand Geological Survey Paleontological Bulletin, no. 58: 1-518, pls. 1-57. []
Beu, Alan G. and Rooij-Schuiling, L. A. de, 1982. Subgeneric classification of New Zealand and Australian species of Paphies Lesson (Bivalvia: Mesodesmatidae), and names for the two species of tuatua in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Zoology, vol. 9, issue 2: 211-230 [229].
Beushausen, Hermann Ernst Louis, 1895. Die Lamellibranchiaten des rheinischen Devon mit Ausschluss der Aviculiden. Abhandlungen der Königlich preussischen geologischen Landesanstalt, Berlin, neue Folge, Heft 17: 1-514, pls. 1-38. [text available online at; Atlas zu den Abhandlungen available online at]
Beyrich, Ernst, 1845. Protocardia, eine neue Gattung fossiler Muscheln. Zeitschrift für Malakozoologie, Jahrg. 1845: 17-20. [Feb.; available online at]
Beyrich, Ernst, 1862. Zwei aus dem deutchen Muschelkalke noch nicht bekannte Avicula-artige Muscheln. Zeitschrift der Deutschen geologischen Gesellschaft, Band 14: 9-10. [Cassianella: 9; available online at]
Bigot, J., 1860. Diptères exotiques nouveaux. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France, sér. 3, tome 8, Trimestre 1: 219-228. [11 Jan.; available online at]
Bigsby, John Jeremiah, 1868. Thesaurus Siluricus. The flora and fauna of the Silurian period. With addenda (from recent acquisitions). lii + (2) + 214 pp., John van Voorst, London. [Cryptonema: 93; available online at]
Billings, Elkanah, 1858a. On the Black River Limestone and the Limestone of Galt. Also descriptions of various fossils. Geological Survey of Canada Report of Progress, for 1857: 147-192. [later than 31 March 1958; bibliography of Billings, E.,]
Billings, Elkanah, 1858b. Canadian fossils, containing descriptions of new genera and species, from the Silurian and Devonian formations of Canada; with some species previously described, but now for the first time indicated as occurring in Canada. Pp. 1-31, John Lovell, the Canadian Directory Office, Montreal. [a separate pamphlet published in March 1858 at Montreal, extract from the Report of the Geological Survey of Canada for the year 1857; available online at]
Billings, Elkanah, 1858c. New genera and species of fossils from the Silurian and Devonian formations of Canada. Canadian Naturalist and Geologist, vol. 3: 419-444. [Dec.]
Binney, Edward William, 1841. Sketch of the geology of Manchester and its vicinity. Transactions of the Manchester Geological Society, vol. 1: 35-62; Appendix, by T. Brown: 63-66, pl. 6. [available online at;view=1up;seq=1]
Bittner, A., 1889. [Literatur-Notizen.] C. F. Parona. Studio monografico della fauna Raibliana di Lombardia. Memoria premiata dal R. Ist. Lomb. di Scienze e Lettere al concorso ordinario Cagnola. Pavia 1889, 156 S., Text 8o, 13 Tafeln. Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Geologischen Reichsanstalt, Jahrgang 1889, No. 16/17: 328. [available online at;]
Berry, S. Stillman, 1947. New Mollusca from the Pleistocene of San Pedro, California-III. Bulletins of American Paleontology, vol. 31, no. 127: 1(255)-20(274), pls. 1(26)-2(27). [14 Nov.; Adontorhina: 6(260); available online at]
Bertin, Victor, 1878. Révision des Tellinidés du Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle. Nouvelles Archives du Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle, sér. 2, tome 1: 201-361, pls. 8-9. [available online at]
Bertin, Victor, 1881. Révision des Donacidées du Muséum d’Histroire Naturelle. Nouvelles Archives du Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle, ser. 2, vol. 4: 57-121, pls. 3-4. [available online at]
Bertrand, E., 1763. Dictionnaire universel des fossiles propres, et des fossiles accidentels. Tome 2: 256 pp., Pierre Gosse junior et Daniel Pinet, La Haye. [available online at]
Beu, Alan G., 1971. Genera of the bivalve family Mesodesmatidae, with comments on some Australasian species. Journal of Malacological Society of Australia, vol. 2, issue 2: 113-131. [Sept.]
Beu, Alan G. and Maxwell, P. A., 1990. Cenozoic Mollusca of New Zealand. New Zealand Geological Survey Paleontological Bulletin, no. 58: 1-518, pls. 1-57. []
Beu, Alan G. and Rooij-Schuiling, L. A. de, 1982. Subgeneric classification of New Zealand and Australian species of Paphies Lesson (Bivalvia: Mesodesmatidae), and names for the two species of tuatua in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Zoology, vol. 9, issue 2: 211-230 [229].
Beushausen, Hermann Ernst Louis, 1895. Die Lamellibranchiaten des rheinischen Devon mit Ausschluss der Aviculiden. Abhandlungen der Königlich preussischen geologischen Landesanstalt, Berlin, neue Folge, Heft 17: 1-514, pls. 1-38. [text available online at; Atlas zu den Abhandlungen available online at]
Beyrich, Ernst, 1845. Protocardia, eine neue Gattung fossiler Muscheln. Zeitschrift für Malakozoologie, Jahrg. 1845: 17-20. [Feb.; available online at]
Beyrich, Ernst, 1862. Zwei aus dem deutchen Muschelkalke noch nicht bekannte Avicula-artige Muscheln. Zeitschrift der Deutschen geologischen Gesellschaft, Band 14: 9-10. [Cassianella: 9; available online at]
Bigot, J., 1860. Diptères exotiques nouveaux. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France, sér. 3, tome 8, Trimestre 1: 219-228. [11 Jan.; available online at]
Bigsby, John Jeremiah, 1868. Thesaurus Siluricus. The flora and fauna of the Silurian period. With addenda (from recent acquisitions). lii + (2) + 214 pp., John van Voorst, London. [Cryptonema: 93; available online at]
Billings, Elkanah, 1858a. On the Black River Limestone and the Limestone of Galt. Also descriptions of various fossils. Geological Survey of Canada Report of Progress, for 1857: 147-192. [later than 31 March 1958; bibliography of Billings, E.,]
Billings, Elkanah, 1858b. Canadian fossils, containing descriptions of new genera and species, from the Silurian and Devonian formations of Canada; with some species previously described, but now for the first time indicated as occurring in Canada. Pp. 1-31, John Lovell, the Canadian Directory Office, Montreal. [a separate pamphlet published in March 1858 at Montreal, extract from the Report of the Geological Survey of Canada for the year 1857; available online at]
Billings, Elkanah, 1858c. New genera and species of fossils from the Silurian and Devonian formations of Canada. Canadian Naturalist and Geologist, vol. 3: 419-444. [Dec.]
Binney, Edward William, 1841. Sketch of the geology of Manchester and its vicinity. Transactions of the Manchester Geological Society, vol. 1: 35-62; Appendix, by T. Brown: 63-66, pl. 6. [available online at;view=1up;seq=1]
Bittner, A., 1889. [Literatur-Notizen.] C. F. Parona. Studio monografico della fauna Raibliana di Lombardia. Memoria premiata dal R. Ist. Lomb. di Scienze e Lettere al concorso ordinario Cagnola. Pavia 1889, 156 S., Text 8o, 13 Tafeln. Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Geologischen Reichsanstalt, Jahrgang 1889, No. 16/17: 328. [available online at;]