「世界一難しい数独」 に対する「不整合想定法」適用の一考察
(2024-03-10 11:19:44 | 日記)
アルト インカラ博士の「世界で一番難しい数独」を解いてみた(I solved Dr. Arto Inkala's "The World's Most Difficult Sudoku.")
(2024-02-24 18:04:49 | 日記)
Explanation of "Nishikama-Ridge [Facing Mt. Yari-ga-take]"(西鎌尾根[槍ヶ岳を臨む]の説明文)その6/6
(2023-03-12 10:20:07 | 資料)
揣覧 柁郎(Kajiro Shiran) · Nishikama... -
Explanation of "Nishikama-Ridge [Facing Mt. Yari-ga-take]"(西鎌尾根[槍ヶ岳を臨む]の説明文)その5/6
(2023-03-12 10:11:35 | 資料)
揣覧 柁郎(Kajiro Shiran) · Nishikama... -
Explanation of "Nishikama-Ridge [Facing Mt. Yari-ga-take]"(西鎌尾根[槍ヶ岳を臨む]の説明文)その4/6
(2023-03-12 10:03:24 | 資料)
揣覧 柁郎(Kajiro Shiran) · Nishikama... -
Explanation of "Nishikama-Ridge [Facing Mt. Yari-ga-take]"(西鎌尾根[槍ヶ岳を臨む]の説明文)その3/6
(2023-03-12 09:47:33 | 資料)
揣覧 柁郎(Kajiro Shiran) · Nishikama... -
Explanation of "Nishikama-Ridge [Facing Mt. Yari-ga-take]"(西鎌尾根[槍ヶ岳を臨む]の説明文)その2/6
(2023-02-27 22:37:04 | 資料)
揣覧 柁郎(Kajiro Shiran) · Nishikama... -
Explanation of "Nishikama-Ridge [Facing Mt. Yari-ga-take]"(西鎌尾根[槍ヶ岳を臨む]の説明文)その1/6
(2023-02-26 21:47:29 | 資料)
揣覧 柁郎(Kajiro Shiran) · Nishikama... -
Explanation of "Great Killet[Mt. Kita-Hotaka In Morgenrot]"(大キレット[モルゲンロートの北穂高岳]の説明文)
(2023-02-13 05:41:56 | 資料)
揣覧 柁郎(Kajiro Shiran) · Great Ki... -
Explanation of "The Legend Of Mikuri-ga-ike["Tateyama" being snowy and rugged]"(みくりが池伝説[白峰の立山])の説明
(2023-02-06 22:25:14 | 資料)
揣覧 柁郎(Kajiro Shiran) · Legend O... -
Explanation of "Mt. Nishi-Hodsaka In Winter" (冬の西穂高岳)の説明
(2023-01-28 21:34:54 | 資料)
揣覧 柁郎(Kajiro Shiran) · Mt.Nishi... -
Explanation of "Shouyou Pond In Afterglow Of Sunset (錦秋の長栂山~アヤメ平)" の説明
(2023-01-22 14:46:57 | 資料)
揣覧 柁郎(Kajiro Shiran) · Shouyou ... -
Explanation of "Swaying by the brilliance" (光に靡く[鷲岳-五色が原を渡る風])の説明
(2023-01-16 05:30:58 | 資料)
揣覧 柁郎(Kajiro Shiran) · Swayi... -
Explanation of "Spring in Kamikouchi" [上高地の春]の説明
(2023-01-11 05:40:14 | 資料)
揣覧 柁郎(Kajiro Shiran) · Spring... -
Explanation of "Fantasy of Yume-no-Taira " [夢の平幻想(mag mell-森と湖と草原と-)]の説明
(2021-10-17 11:29:05 | 日記)
揣覧 柁郎(Kajiro Shiran) · Fantasy O... -
Explanation of "Like Flowing Clouds As Leave It To Wind"[雲の流れる侭に(双六巻道の風)]の説明)
(2021-10-17 11:06:46 | 日記)
揣覧 柁郎(Kajiro Shiran) · Like Flow... -
Explanation of "14.[Chojiro Confluence] covered in a snowy valley"((雪渓の長次郎出合)の説明)
(2021-10-17 10:32:12 | 日記)
揣覧 柁郎(Kajiro Shiran) · "Choji... -
Explanation of "Iwagokekodani Dawn"(「岩苔小谷の朝」の説明)
(2021-07-25 09:53:27 | 資料)
揣覧 柁郎(Kajiro Shiran) · Iwagokek... -
天つ時舟(The Time Ship in Space)の説明文
(2021-03-28 22:36:22 | 資料)
揣覧 柁郎(Kajiro Shiran) · 天つ時舟... -
(2021-03-28 22:28:02 | 資料)
揣覧 柁郎(Kajiro Shiran) · Ending ...