

Explanation of "Nishikama-Ridge [Facing Mt. Yari-ga-take]"(西鎌尾根[槍ヶ岳を臨む]の説明文)その6/6

2023-03-12 10:20:07 | 資料



Explanation of "Nishikama-Ridge [Facing Mt. Yari-ga-take]"(西鎌尾根[槍ヶ岳を臨む]の説明文)その6/6

 After that, lightning did not strike nearby, but sometimes the sound of thunder could be heard.

 The rain, as no change, fell and stopped.

 Also my walking speed did not get as fast as I hoped.

 After climbing for a while, it got a situation that it's like climbing over the ridge on the left hand side.

 I thought that if I climbed up there and came out on the left side of the ridge, I might be able to see how far I had to climb.

 Since I had felt that I probably only climbed about 1/4 (or less) of the distance from Senjozawa-Nokkoshi to the shoulder of Mt. Yarigatake, even if I realized the whole picture, I thought that I might have nothing but despair, but it is also true that I wanted some kind of criterion.

 By the time I rolled up the ridge, a little over 40 minutes had passed since I left Senjozawa-Nokkoshi.

 There it was.

 At the end of the gently sloping path, there was a place that looked flat.

 There, I could see the shadows of many people in the fog.

 On the right hand side, a large rock blocked my view, so I didn't know what of a condition the other side was.

 The left-hand side was a little flat condition, but I could see a steep rocky surface immediately standing up, but 4-5m above it was completely hidden in the clouds and I had no idea what was a state, but I thought that it might have been a tip of Mt. Yarigatake.

 The figure of standing people there I saw were relaxed, didn't put on a backpack on their back, and didn't look like they were climbing a mountain.

(「まさか! 槍の肩に着いた!のか?」)
 I could not believed the sight in front of me and thought "Really? Did I reached the shoulder of Mt. Yarigatake already!?"

 I could not had believed but there was no doubt of that.

 Although I was covered with a mysterious feeling as if I was pinched by fingers of fox, my steps gradually became lighter.

 It suddenly hit me that the rain had already stopped.

 As I approached the figure, everything turned into conviction.

 I was sure "here is today's destination, Mt. Yarigatake's shoulder".

 Yarigatake Sanso, where I would have stayed today, appeared beyond the rocks on the right side that blocked our view.

 Fatigue blew away at once.

 I was in the mood for skipping.

 And the moment I climbed that long slope, my heart was filled with a sense of accomplishment.

 However, fatigue rushed over me, and my steps suddenly became heavy.

 Like slow motion, I slowly entered the entrance of Yarigatake hut, and slowly began to register in the guest book.

 I realized that I had overcome this difficulty, and my body and mind were enveloped in a relaxed and gentle moment, if that ambience got sound that the vibe might had echoed "hohwawah".

 Maybe it had been less than a minute after I entered the hut.

 Outside the hut, a sound "Doooouuuum!", that was similar to an explosion, reverberated.

 It was no longer a sound that can only be expressed as "Doooouuuum!".

 I hadn't finished registering yet, but I couldn't help but put down my pen, opened the front door, and looked outside.

 The reason was the rain.

 It was the rain that completely blocked the view.

 I couldn't even had seen 1m ahead.

 Outrageously heavy rain that didn't make any sense!

(もし、この中を歩かなければならないとしたら… 将に地獄です。)
 If I had to walk through this…  it would have been exactly hell.

 What fortune!

 I wonder it waited for my arrival at hut?

 What made decide the luck?

 When I thought about it, without noticing I climbed the 2-hour course time in 45 minutes.

 I thought my steps were so heavy and slow, but I was climbing at more than twice the speed of the average mountain trekkers.

 This experience gave me a lot of confidence.

 Also, no matter how much I thanked it for the good luck (or rather, miracle?) of not being hit by the ridiculously heavy rain, I couldn't thank it enough.


 I will summarize the above.

 The beginning of this music is the image that was melancholic and physically exhausted when I left behind Sugoroku hut and climbed Mt. Momisawa-dake.

 Then, it continues to the image of when I was impressed by the magnificent scenery of the massif from Mt. Yari-ga-take to Mt. Hotaka-dake that I saw when I achieved to climb up Mt. Momisawa-dake.

 The next part, which is slightly darker and has a Japanese-style melody, is an image of the physically and mentally exhausted situation when I crossed Mt. Nakadake.

 The light melody that follows expresses the feeling of walking with euphoric mood ( the feeling of walking like humming "roon-roon") from Mt. Nakadake to Mt. Hidarimatadake.

(続く和風の曲調部分は、雷の中で「ゴジラの背」を越えた時の、「何!このしょうもない岩場は! 頭にくる!」と思った時のイメージです。)
 The Japanese-style melody part that follows is the image of my thought "What! This rubbish rocky place! Pissed me off!", when I rode across "Godzilla's back" in the lightning strikes!

 After that, I made the slightly calmer part with the image of the forlorn but gentle and beautiful scene which I got a feeling when I arrived at Senjozawa Nokkoshi.

 The next part, which is somewhat silly and Japanese style melody, is the image that is grossly desperate mind of the final climb to Mt. Yari-ga-take.

 The image of those phrases is the recollection of climbing up with only a utmost effort while being chased by rain and thunder.

 And the last part was made with the image of the demise of the hardship of this trekking that suddenly came, the joy of that, and the slow end of the day full of satisfactory feeling and fatigue.

 This is the explanation for this music.

(このイメージを分かってくれる人がいれば、嬉しいのですが… )
 I wish this image was conveyed to someone… .

