The legal theory behind huge pay-outs to aggrieved shareholders goes on trial.
株式市場を巡る多くの理論の中でも、効率的市場仮説と「市場に対する詐欺」原則の結合ほど、金銭的な影響が大きなものは、ほとんどない。この組み合わせは、株価が急変した場合の巨額な損害賠償請求の根拠となってきた。Halliburton社対Erica P John Fundの訴訟事件において、米国最高裁の判断が3月5日に下される。
Of the numerous controversial theories about the workings of stock markets, few have had a bigger pecuniary impact than a marriage between the notion of efficient markets and a legal principle known as “fraud-on-the-market.” This pairing has provided grounds for sweeping claims for damages whenever a company’s share price moves abruptly. After decades of wrangling, the tactic will come before America’s Supreme Court on March 5 in the case of Halliburton v. Erica P John Fund.
事件の事実関係はありふれている。Halliburton社が、2002年の公表報告書において、合併やアスベスト訴訟やさまざまな厄介な契約が利益に与える影響を十分に開示しなかったと、Archdiocese of Milwaukee Supporting Fundという慈善ファンドが主張している。Halliburton社の沈黙の結果、保有株式に損失が生じたというのである。
The factual underpinnings of the case are mundane. A charity, known at the time the case was filed as the Archdiocese of Milwaukee Supporting Fund, maintains that Halliburton, which provides services to oil companies, was insufficiently forthcoming in its public statements in 2002 about the impact on its earnings of a merger, asbestos litigation and various troubled contracts. As a result of Halliburton’s reticence, the charity claims, it suffered a loss on its holding.
それこそが、「市場に対する詐欺」原則のエッセンスである。すなわち、会社の経営者は、コミュニケーション(またはその欠如)によって、全株主をだますことができるということである。1988年の決定において米最高裁は、Basic Inc.という会社が公けに合併を否定したために、株式を売却して損失を被った投資家側に味方し、それ以後、この原則は神聖視されてきた。
That is the essence of the principle of “fraud-on-the-market”: that by its communication (or lack of it), a firm’s management can, in effect, defraud all its shareholders.The idea was enshrined after a 1988 ruling in which the Supreme Court sided with an investor who lost money when he sold shares in a company called Basic Inc. because a pending merger was being publicly denied by the firm.
In its decision, the Supreme Court endorsed three ideas: that share prices are a reflection of all relevant public information (the so-called “efficient-market hypothesis”); that all investors can reasonably be presumed to have relied on information of this sort, so lawsuits can be brought on their collective behalf; and that if a company’s share price moves, it may be the result of previous misinformation, making shareholders the victims of fraud.
Capital Markets Newsletter(モリソン・フォレスター)(PDFファイル)←ちらっと出ています。
Supreme Court to Review the Basic Premise of Securities Class Actions(同上)(PDFファイル)
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