Chartered accountant Spencer Steinberg has been convicted at Southwark Crown Court of conspiracy to defraud investors in a £45m London-based Ponzi fraud scheme
The case had been brought against him and fellow conspirators Michael Strubel and Jolan Saunders following a Serious Fraud Office investigation.
この3人は、2006年から2010年までの間、富裕な複数の個人をだまして、Saunders Electrical Wholesale Ltd (SEWL)という会社に投資させていました。
Over a four-year period between 2006 and 2010, they conned wealthy individuals from their communities into investing in Saunders Electrical Wholesale Ltd (SEWL).
The trio made out it was a highly successful supplier of electrical goods to blue chip hotel chains such as the Marriott, Hilton, Holiday Inn and Park Plaza. They later claimed that the business had won the contract to supply the Olympic Athletes Village.
In reality, as the prosecution pointed out, SEWL was just a small shop – a “one man and a van operation” – based in Hainault, Essex, and although it did supply electrical goods to high-profile hotels, the trade was fairly minor and certainly not at the high levels the three claimed to potential investors.
Rather they were using it to run a classic Ponzi scheme where returns to investors were made from cash received from new fraud victims.
He also met Steinberg, who had qualified as an ICAEW chartered accountant in 1995 and become a partner in an accountancy firm, when he was looking for an accountant for his business.
The scheme unravelled in 2010, however, when the fraudsters omitted to change a forged bank statement from SEWL. Instead of showing a balance of £10m as expected, it read £0.
By that time, the witness and his family had invested £27m in SEWL and had been given £10m in “returns”. Nothing more has ever been recouped.