An action group formed of 205 small and medium sized business has joined forces to take RBS to task over their treatment at the hands of the bank’s “turnaround” division
RBSが担保資産を取得するために、これら中小企業を傘下のグローバル・リストラクチャリング・グループに回して、廃業を強いたとされています。2013年11月に公表されたTomlinson Reportでは、RBSが存続可能な企業を意図的に破たんさせ、手数料などを稼いでいたとされています。グローバル・リストラクチャリング・グループの活動は、金融行為監督機構の調査対象となっており、今年の早い時期に結果が明らかになると予想されています。
The companies allege that RBS intentionally placed them under the control of its Global Restructuring Group (GRG), forcing them out of business to seize assets. The Tomlinson Report, published in November 2013, alleged that RBS had deliberately distressed viable businesses, allowing the bank to profit from fees and increased profit margins. The activities of the GRG, which is being wound down by RBS, are subject to an enquiry by the Financial Conduct Authority, the results of which are expected early this year.
RBS Scraps Controversial GRG Unit Criticised in Tomlinson Report(2014年8月)(IBT)(注:音声が出ます。)
Last year, former government advisor Lawrence Tomlinson claimed the 81% government-owned lender profited from struggling businesses, which were pushed into default after being moved into the controversial unit, GRG.
Tomlinson claimed that by moving businesses into GRG, this can create more revenue for the bank through higher fees and margins.
It can also result in the purchase of devalued assets by its property division, West Register, he added.
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