

SEC Files Action Against Deloitte Shanghai Unit

監査クライアントであったLongtop Financial Technologies Limitedへの調査に関連する文書を提出しなかったとして、上海のデロイト・トーシュ・トーマツに対する強制処分の申し立てを、SECが行ったという記事。

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission filed an enforcement action against Shanghai-based Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu CPA Ltd. for failing to produce documents related to an investigation of its former auditing client Longtop Financial Technologies Limited.


D&T Shanghai hasn’t provided any documents to the SEC, which issued subpoenas to the firm on May 27, the agency said in a statement today, citing a filing in U.S. District Court in Washington. As a result, the SEC has been unable to access “critical” information in its probe of possible fraud at Longtop, the statement said.


Longtop, based in Hong Kong, said in May that D&T Shanghai quit because of errors in the company’s financial records. The SEC also began an investigation. In July, the SEC and Public Company Accounting Oversight Board met with counterparts in China to discuss cross-border oversight.

本日(9月9日)の申し立ては、「基本的にSECと中国当局の争いであり、デロイト上海は文書提出ができない理由として中国法を主張せざるを得なかった」と元SECのJacob Frenkel氏は述べています。「監査事務所はSECが監査調書に対して証拠提出命令を出して、検討する権利を有していることを知っている。中国の会社の監査に関連する情報へのアクセスに関する紛争を、一気に表面化させるものだ」

Today’s action “essentially is a battle between the SEC and Chinese regulators forcing D&T Shanghai to assert Chinese law as an explanation for why it cannot produce records,” Jacob Frenkel, a former SEC lawyer now with Shulman Rogers Gandal Pordy & Ecker PA in Potomac, Maryland, said in an interview. “Auditing firms know that the SEC has the right to subpoena and review and consider audit work papers. This is about bringing to a head the dispute over access to information relating to audits of Chinese companies.”




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