Public Consultation on the Review of the G20/OECD Principles of Corporate Governance
How can good corporate governance help strengthen the corporate sector?(PDFファイル)
昨年、OECDは、「The Future of Corporate Governance in Capital Markets Following the COVID-19 Crisis」と「 2021 edition of the OECD Corporate Governance Factbook」という2つの報告書を公表しました。
These two reports guided the decision to focus on the following 10 priority issues in the revision:
- Corporate ownership and increased concentration 企業オ-ナーシップと集中化の高まり
- The management of environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks ESGリスクの管理
- The role of institutional investors and stewardship 機関投資家とスチュワードシップの役割
- The growth of new digital technologies and emerging opportunities and risks 新しいデジタル・テクノロジーの成長と新たな機会・リスク
- Crisis and risk management 危機・リスク管理
- Excessive risk taking in the non-financial corporate sector 非金融部門における過度なリスク・テーキング
- The role and rights of debtholders in corporate governance コーポレートガバナンスにおける債権者の役割と権利
- Executive remuneration 役員報酬
- The role of board committees 取締役会における委員会の役割
- Diversity on boards and in senior management 取締役会とシニア・マネジメントにおける多様性