

報告書 第三部~終わりに~

2023-05-16 17:05:50 | アルバコア探索プロジェクト
報告書 第三部~終わりに~



Dr. Ura,
I am an amateur volunteer researcher working on several lost US WWII submarines with a Japanese researcher, Yutaka Iwasaki, who played a critical role in the discoveries of USS Grunion and USS Grayback, and a retired US Navy officer, David Johnston, who is an expert in photographic identification of US Gato class submarines. We have developed materials to support the search for and identification of the wreck of USS Albacore SS-218. I have attached our biographies.
We are replying to your request for assistance in your preparations for your return visit to the likely wreck site of USS Albacore SS-218. We would like to discuss offering you the benefits of our work. To start, we have attached the set of US Navy drawings for the USS Albacore SS-218 we have obtained from the US National Archives and our analysis of an identifying feature we found in your video from your initial visit to the wreck. More importantly, we have prepared a report that details three features of the USS Albacore from photographs taken after its final overhaul in May 1944 six months before its loss in November 1944. We believe that the presence of these three features, which are all contained in the middle section of the hull that you have discovered, will be the critical evidence needed by the US Navy to positively identify the wreck as USS Albacore SS-218.
This is a sincere offer to collaborate with our team, who are all copied on this email, to assist you in making your return visit to the wreck site most successful. We appreciate your consideration of our offer and do not expect any compensation from you except for your respective collaboration with us.
We look forward to your reply and to working with you to support your upcoming return visit to the wreck.
Steve Katona

私は、USSグルニオンとUSSグレイバックの発見で重要な役割を果たした日本人研究者、岩崎豊と、米ガトー級潜水艦の写真識別の専門家である退役米海軍将校、デビッド・ジョンストンと共に、いくつかの失われた第二次大戦中の米国潜水艦について研究するアマチュアボランティア研究者です。 私たちは、USSアルバコアSS-218の残骸の探索と同定を支援するための資料を作成しました。私たちの経歴を添付しておきます。

私たちは、Stephen Katona氏の申し出と情報に感謝し、よろしくサポートくださるよう返事をしました。ただし、Collaborationはいたしません、とお断りしました。その後、情報を交換し、第一次調査、第二次調査で得たビデオ画像のすべてを送り、かれらの研究に役立ててもらいました。そのおかげで、私たちが気づかなかった画像や、知らなかった情報を教えてもらいました。特にSFレーダーに関する情報は重要でした。


41°43' 52.2588" N -49°56' 57.9984" W
に沈んでいるとされています。発見後、ロシアの潜水艇「ミール」でタイタニックを訪れるツアーができるほどであり、船体の一部や遺品の引き上げがおこなわれました。発見したBob Ballardは、この混乱を重く見て、位置を正確に公表するべきではなかった、と反省したと聞いています。2012年、国連は”Protected Heritage Site”と宣言しています。


Dr. Ura,
Happy New Year. I am on a cruise until 1/10/23 with limited email access. NHHC (National History and Heritage Command) is finalizing their announcement and would like to include some images from your work in their announcement. They want to do so only with your permission.
I would greatly appreciate it of you would work with Ivor one of the NHHC personnel who reviewed and agreed with your discovery as USS Albacore.
In my absence., please work with Ivor so NHHC may make their announcement as complete as possible.
Thank you for your consideration of my request.

新年明けましておめでとうございます。私は1/10/23までクルーズ中で、メールへのアクセスは限られています。 NHHC (Naval History and Heritage Command)が発表の最終調整をしていて、あなたの調査からの画像をその発表に含めたいと考えています。NHHCは、あなたの許可を得た上で、それを行いたいと考えています。
あなたの発見がUSS Albacoreであることを確認し、同意したNHHCの職員の一人であるIvorにあなたが協力してくれることを大いに期待します。



Naval History and Heritage Command confirmed the identity of a wreck site off the coast of Hokkaido, Japan, as USS Albacore (SS 218) Feb. 16.
NHHC’s Underwater Archaeology Branch used information and imagery provided by Dr. Tamaki Ura, from the University of Tokyo, to confirm the identity of Albacore, which was lost at sea Nov. 7, 1944.
Japanese records originating from the Japan Center for Asian Historical Records (JACAR) covering the loss of an American submarine on Nov. 7, 1944, guided Dr. Ura’s missions. The location mentioned in the records matched a separate ongoing effort by UAB volunteers to establish the location of the shipwreck. Dr. Ura’s team collected data using a Remotely Operated Vehicle to confirm the historical data.
Strong currents, marine growth, and poor visibility on site made it challenging to fully document the wreck or obtain comprehensive images.


Erin Gibson
My family has waited almost 80 years for this day. May my Great Uncle finally rest in peace.

Susan Ann Cunha
God bless those that served our country and sacrificed for US so we can remain free

Lu Moss Shirley
My uncle Leonard David Moss is in that sub. Thank you for your hard work to bring us closure.

Brandon Walp
Submarines are never “lost at sea”…they are still just on patrol.

Frances Wade
Thank you for finding them. Still wish we could bring their remains home to be buried with the family

Lew Baustert
Fair winds and following seas.. true heroes

Jerry Nolan
Hand Salute and RIP, crew of the USS Albacore (SS-218). 🇺🇸
A video longer than 39 seconds would have been nice.

Lori Whitmire
Crossing the Bar
by Lord Tennyson.
Sunset and evening star,
And one clear call for me!
And may there be no moaning of the bar,
When I put out to sea,
But such a tide as moving seems asleep,
Too full for sound and foam,
When that which drew from out the boundless deep
Turns again home.
Twilight and evening bell,
And after that the dark!
And may there be no sadness of farewell,
When I embark;
For tho’ from out our bourne of Time and Place
The flood may bear me far,
I hope to see my Pilot face to face
When I have crost the bar.
Rest easy Shipmates.

Barry McDaniel
Lest We Forget

Barry McClung
On eternal patrol. Fair Winds and Following Seas, Officers & Men of U.S.S. Albacore.

Lisa K Hume Lutman
Allen Don Hudgins, 19, (my great uncle)possibly the youngest on the USS Albacore, SS218
On eternal patrol

Patrick Devine
Aitor Ekaitz - much appreciated. Thank you for your service.

Paul F Estopare

Wanda Williams
Thank you for your service & ultimate sacrifice.

Jim Schoening
Respect !






・Live Science

・DBOC  (2023年2月27日)

・CNN (2023年2月19日)
USS Albacore: One man finds closure after WWII US submarine found off Japanese coast | CNN

One man finds closure after long-lost WWII US submarine found off Japanese coast

William Bower II feared he would never know where his father’s final resting place was, but he hung on to hope for decades.

On Thursday, the Missouri retired aerospace engineer fought back tears as he was notified that a submarine wreck, discovered off the coast of Japan last year, is what remains of the USS Albacore – one of 52 Navy submarines lost during World War II, according to Naval History and Heritage Command, or NHHC.

According to Navy records, the submarine is believed to have been struck by a mine on November 7, 1944, and sank off the coast of Hokkaido.

Days before Christmas that same year, the Navy assumed the Albacore, along with at least 85 sailors onboard, were lost at sea, including Bower’s father, Lt. William Walter Bower.

“My mother received a telegram from the Navy on the 21st of December 1944 that my dad’s submarine was overdue in returning to port and he was missing in action,” Bower, 78, told CNN.

He was born nearly two months after the Albacore sank and only knows his father through photos and stories.

“He was a good engineer and liked the Navy and wanted to serve his country, as all the men who were lost in the submarine wanted to do,” Bower said.

Bower says he formed bonds with other families who lost sailors on the Albacore. Like him, they have been haunted for decades not knowing the exact location where their loved ones perished nearly 78 years ago.

“I know that he was lost somewhere off the coast of Japan,” said an emotional Bower. “But to actually know the spot where the remnants of the submarine are is much more meaningful. That to me was a major step in having better closure for his life.”

Discovering the Albacore

NHHC says their archeologists used underwater imagery provided by Dr. Tamaki Ura from the University of Tokyo to positively identify the wreckage of the Albacore this week.

Researchers say Japanese records guided Ura to the suspected shipwreck site in May 2022 where he made the initial discovery of a wreck. Ura used a remotely operated vehicle to capture images of the submarine’s remains, which showed unique modifications made to the Albacore just before its final patrol. After months of analysis, NHHC researchers were finally able to confirm their suspicions.

“As the final resting place for Sailors who gave their life in defense of our nation, we sincerely thank and congratulate Dr. Ura and his team for their efforts in locating the wreck of Albacore,” wrote NHHC Director Samuel J. Cox, a retired US Navy rear admiral.

The wreck is considered a war grave and protected by US law, according to an NHHC spokesperson.

According to the Navy, the Albacore was commissioned on June 1, 1942. During its relatively short service it earned nine battle stars and four Presidential Unit Citations, awarded for extraordinary heroism, quickly becoming one of the most successful World War II submarines used in combat.

Telling the stories of the MIA submariners

To contact the families of the Albacore’s submariners, Navy historians enlisted a network of volunteer researchers working with the Pearl Harbor-based group On Eternal Patrol. The non-profit says it has been able to find at least one relative for 76 of the 85 sailors.

Charles Hinman, the group’s director of education, says he started On Eternal Patrol in 2005 to put a face to each of the names of the men lost while serving in the US Submarine Force since 1900. The organization says it has been able to memorialize roughly 93%, or over 4,500 lost submariners, with biographies and photos.

“Whenever a lost submarine is found, we use our database to assist the Navy and the host of the ceremony to contact the families of the crew,” Hinman told CNN.

Finding closure
As his father’s only child, Bower says he finally has the peace that his mother and grandmother never knew.

“I do tear up because I know this is something that my father’s mother never fully recovered from,” said Bower as he prepared to toast his father’s memory. “And you know how grateful she would have been to have learned this. And my mother unfortunately did not learn as well. So, I’m just very grateful that someone in his family was able to learn his final resting place.”

As the child of a service member missing in action until this week, Bower shared a message to military families who continue to wait for the same peace he finally found after a decades-long wait.

“Never give up,” he said. “Always keep the hope that their final resting place will be found, and you’ll have some sense of full closure and not just have that sense of not knowing, forever.”



 故Paul Allenのチームは、戦艦武蔵や比叡などを発見しています。対する日本は、それに相当するような発見はほとんどないといってよいでしょう。今回の発見は、彼らの成し遂げたことからみれば規模が違いますが、失われた命の重さは変わらないと思います。


(この章の文責:浦 環)



8.1 第一次調査

上村光宏 駆逐艦菊月会 佐々木優一 安藤尚子 青柳由里子
田川慶太 瀧江直子

卯月めい 瀬戸高徳 齋藤佳祐 田中涼介 山添英樹 とらあね
緋奈 石原浩二 古山駿翔 かみな 古山秀美 古山和哉
古山姫苺 古山愛莉 Boxdatist わさび 坂根幸徳 まめ
小柳芳雄 長岡昌二 一木成行 研究応援者245号 高橋志学
築港の上 撃ち放題 山口尚男 せれなん 小西佳和 小澤みどり
佐野弘和 石塚 博昭 伊藤紘一 岩上寛 nullnull 雨宮さつき
佐田 裕之 ひまいぬ SVD 菊地崇 湯原駿介
海江田 教照(kaiedak) やちょー 穴吹直己 どぶろく 菊池 将太
足立 望 菊正宗 近江 誠史郎 脇山和幸 藤岡健一
田原俊英 松本 陽一 小池 哲 Minea noctambulant
さんちゃん 木谷一弥 吉田 善吾 二城利月 窪川かおる 本間秀幸
高垣拓弥 まる 山上正雄 kb 4号 田中 司
赤月らいか 渡辺 真一郎 山本敏夫 芳澤 大貴 淺井浩明 mina
松田祐一 大西弘文 八雲信宗 shunte あかねさん 白石悦子
星野高明 マサシ 西翔太郎 松岡 勁樹 田丸智也 D, Taka
加藤伸一郎 久保_医師 今津隼馬 武村泰範 杉松 治美 門間剛
田中壮一郎 落合 健 T. Matsuda 長倉敏郎 kasumi SUTO
Satoru Ida ねりごま船渠 森元誠一 木川栄一 江口和弘
金岡秀 ライフケアサ-ビス㈱ 栗本洋二 けんぼう
海洋電子 川上太一 川人光幸 北澤大輔 ハイパーあにまる
永橋賢司 石山忠幸 タカハシ ヒロカズ 金澤幹人 古賀 裕紀
周藤瞳美 SEIJI TSUJI 大前 寛晃 あじ 板倉 隆裕 熊谷浩行
星野高明 だいち 佐藤和美 田村敬一 赤岩智美 酒井 知昭
KOU@FPP 浩志 直江 森定利充 森田 尚吾 菊本 恵介 山口 修一郎
ニコニコ一般視聴者 深井千亜紀 田中 小河原崚 花岡陽至
ヒラカミ ヒロナリ 深井冷子 E.Y 小山徹也 安土 哲
朝倉 克 湯本 聡 歌川紀之 一声 M.Ookubo 今野浩一
一色英司 ぱぬこぱぬ HK 橋本 道敬 Akaishi syousai
六角 Basil ハシボソミズナギドリ Babycow くりきん
Jumbo39 gontac 三橋龍太郎 佐藤雅紀 橋本崇 佐藤宰
秋雨零時 神原孝夫 保田 英幸 宮嶋 佑樹 太宰章吾 マキナ
あかつき モップロップ 山村 櫂斗 ニコ生民その1
横川 裕太 河野隆 ねこみやん 加藤崇仁 鈴木 一史 谷舜
枩田和樹 大野慎太郎 おにいちゃん 見尾竜海
高橋健一 motonori 福井 啓文 立石雄英

8.2 第二次調査

Seiya Yoshida 杉山 統則 Motoko Ishii 羽浦
YUJI@_64天安門。 反集近閉で国難(武漢ウィルス)に打ち勝とう。
允 tkpapa naga_colus Luck kawa001 K.I.
Chakojump Junko Kawasaki sasagechan ソープ・マクタヴィッシュ
Shogo Morita サカイトモアキ まるよ miki
Hiroshi Shimada gotton.a 松本康夫 さいとうの material1220
Kevichel 丸山 泰弘 目箒 shin126 橋本 Kyosho Kaieda
Portugalleon YAMASHINA Noriyuki Keiko TOBBY ORCA
イマノコウイチ らいか 大前 寛晃 Ikutaro Suto 万年筆
Akane Kanazawa Tetsu Koike Misumi Aoki Naotaro Suto
須藤 佳澄 高橋健一 ヒラカミ ヒロナリ Mio Watanabe
cou256 rey3baker やまぴ~ あじ Takuya Hitomi
GLIESE 松田 奇々怪々 しげ ナカガワ ヨシミ
miyuru03 harushio つき sowamm ねこまた ねりごま船渠
nano radicaled 秋雨零時 だいち 吉冨 さんどろ
タムチュー SVD FT nomi てんやく 葛西3140
Jellybellmey 松本 matsun77 廣田 慎吾 d_gunner@焼き物屋さん
Yotsumegawa きくまる Range-Row SHIS_SCT3300
Nkenichi Nakatani Hana 撃ち放題 信時 Chick
新井 勲 山口尚男 YAMADA11 石田 剛 Sanami わらじー
Tsukac きょくとー 瀬戸 高徳 Sari Nomura ネぇ申通
seino@civil.kyushu-u.ac.jp キク 二城 利月 NIT_take
realacky ぷろとん Takatan Chief_Librarian 蜜雪miyuki
ニシキゴイ 奴隷獣タカ Takumi Matsuda TRY しーかー
小柳 芳雄 IMAZU Re-GZ(リー) きせのん ginmashiko
lux6tzr4626i 江口和弘 hasshi 山哲 ふみ kb17
田口愛望 iderin Flipper Mineko Sasagawa tarou_yoshioka
Rasukiu s_f_2000@yahoo.co.jp 山上正雄 Kaoru Kubokawa
Zounidaisuki 桂川正巳 Marcie 大石 敏 ph
安藤徳一 kdm 大西聡 yamaguchi shuichiro まる
きゅーび システモ Takashima 竹田 年朗 わさび ろくま
Explorer_POP AcadeKuma Satomi Akaiwa ochato
四季彩彩 どぶろく Az Beata Bochorodycz sunbelt_kerio
yukinori01 小西 裕介 タカシ なあさん やちょー /Sayaka
センハ 山本 敏夫 Bteito hiroaki Ishizuka fiojk997
Tyson_ISHIHARA serenan Masaya Ookubo harumis
Nishiwaki Masahiro HINE らいな noctambulant
a_tal_kari shunte hlsf0105 kenbovv 石原 魁人 Ariena
さんちゃん Shinichirou Watanabe 飛龍 ナナシ@続・柱島丁督
Hiro ぴっぽ 伊藤有希 のゆき 見尾竜海 ARBALEST
ハイパーあにまる Toshiko Morimoto 水苔32号 redring

一般社団法人 ラ・プロンジェ深海工学

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