ART of Keiko T. O.

Harmony with Nature.Coexistence with Animal.

Deep forest guardian. Cat name is Zorro

2013-03-08 | Art of Keiko T. O.

That's Zorro, he's usually pretty serious :) He's the Miracle Kitty, he healed from a very serious illness + has a Great Spirit! He appeared in a dream before we met him. His old people wanted him gone! He sleeps on my head, loves his dog, but not other cats.We have found that when ours go to the Bridge, someone else comes to be our family very soon afte.He is Zorro the Magnificent. He also likes to eat dry Elm leaves when he goes out. Maybe he likes the crunchiness. Adelheid said.
この猫はアーチストのハイジさんの飼い猫。彼女は他にも柴犬やねこも何匹か飼っている。このゾロは大きな病気をして奇跡的に助かった猫で表情が厳しい人生……猫生を物語っている。あえて生死の深い森を守り抜く奇跡の猫を描きました。( 塾の先生をする友達のシノさんの評論)「ゾロ君の厳しい猫生ですか…生命力の強靭さはその精神力、それもハイジさんの愛情からね…瞳に映る森の緑は厳しさの中に優しさも感じる。色彩とモノクロの融合もいつもながら素晴らしいと思います。ハイジさんの絵も底知れなくて素適…」
ハイジさん曰く「You caught Zorro's soul in his eyes. That's an artist's gift, my Friend. You have that special sight.」



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