05:33 from Keitai Web
RT @nhk_news: 3県被災者3万人に健康調査 http://nhk.jp/N3wL5lCb #nhk_news
05:33 from Keitai Web
RT @nhk_news: 3県被災者3万人に健康調査 http://nhk.jp/N3wL5lCb #nhk_news
05:33 from Keitai Web
RT @nhk_news: 福島県 子どもに線量計配布へ http://nhk.jp/N3wL5lBh #nhk_news
05:36 from Keitai Web
RT @BBCWorld: US imposes sanctions on Iran Air http://bbc.in/j5rUX7
08:29 from Keitai Web (Re: @fj197099)
@fj197099 「口上書」通り、2カ月前の事前申請に基づいていなければ同意は有効でないでしょう。事実関係の詳細な報告書がないと見えないですが。
19:09 from Keitai Web
RT @nhk_news: 被災地生産者と企業を仲介へ http://nhk.jp/N3wL5lf7 #nhk_news
19:11 from Keitai Web
RT @BBCWorld: Italy's Mario Draghi has been appointed as the next president of the European Central Bank (ECB), EU officials say
19:12 from Keitai Web
RT @BBCWorld: UK has 'limited exposure' to #Greece but experience has shown 'contagion could spread', Bank of England Financial Policy C ...
19:24 from Keitai Web
RT @JMSDF_PAO: エンジンスタートするP-3C。

19:39 from Keitai Web
RT @htTweets: Rwanda genocide mastermind sentenced to life http://read.ht/B0K #ht #rwanda #genocide
22:36 from web
RT @DannyAyalon: 25 June 2011 marks the fifth anniversary of the abduction of Gilad Shalit by Hamas terrorists from Israeli... http://fb ...
22:36 from web
RT @TheNewsBlotter: Reuters: Pakistan, India agree to consider new nuclear confidence-building measures - joint statement
22:38 from web
RT @foreignoffice: 'A deeply moving film' - High Commissioner, #Canberra blogs on film about the 7,000 child migrants sent to Australia ...
23:16 from web
RT @Reuters: Special Report: Japan's "throwaway" nuclear workers http://t.co/3ocM02B
23:16 from web
RT @tbs_newsi: 小笠原諸島、「世界遺産」に決定 http://cgi.tbs.co.jp/n/JyDY
23:17 from web
RT @nhk_news: 小笠原諸島 世界遺産登録決定 http://nhk.jp/N3wL5lqv #nhk_news
23:18 from web
RT @AJEnglish: #US troops will start pulling out this year but are #Afghan security forces ready to take control of their country? http: ...
23:24 from web (Re: @ArimaShishiemon)
@ArimaShishiemon お疲れ様です。頭が下がります。代理人とご連絡、ご教示いただくのが一番かと。TKCや第一法規にもすぐ記載ないでしょう...。
by hyperwizard on Twitter
RT @nhk_news: 3県被災者3万人に健康調査 http://nhk.jp/N3wL5lCb #nhk_news
05:33 from Keitai Web
RT @nhk_news: 3県被災者3万人に健康調査 http://nhk.jp/N3wL5lCb #nhk_news
05:33 from Keitai Web
RT @nhk_news: 福島県 子どもに線量計配布へ http://nhk.jp/N3wL5lBh #nhk_news
05:36 from Keitai Web
RT @BBCWorld: US imposes sanctions on Iran Air http://bbc.in/j5rUX7
08:29 from Keitai Web (Re: @fj197099)
@fj197099 「口上書」通り、2カ月前の事前申請に基づいていなければ同意は有効でないでしょう。事実関係の詳細な報告書がないと見えないですが。
19:09 from Keitai Web
RT @nhk_news: 被災地生産者と企業を仲介へ http://nhk.jp/N3wL5lf7 #nhk_news
19:11 from Keitai Web
RT @BBCWorld: Italy's Mario Draghi has been appointed as the next president of the European Central Bank (ECB), EU officials say
19:12 from Keitai Web
RT @BBCWorld: UK has 'limited exposure' to #Greece but experience has shown 'contagion could spread', Bank of England Financial Policy C ...
19:24 from Keitai Web
RT @JMSDF_PAO: エンジンスタートするP-3C。

19:39 from Keitai Web
RT @htTweets: Rwanda genocide mastermind sentenced to life http://read.ht/B0K #ht #rwanda #genocide
22:36 from web
RT @DannyAyalon: 25 June 2011 marks the fifth anniversary of the abduction of Gilad Shalit by Hamas terrorists from Israeli... http://fb ...
22:36 from web
RT @TheNewsBlotter: Reuters: Pakistan, India agree to consider new nuclear confidence-building measures - joint statement
22:38 from web
RT @foreignoffice: 'A deeply moving film' - High Commissioner, #Canberra blogs on film about the 7,000 child migrants sent to Australia ...
23:16 from web
RT @Reuters: Special Report: Japan's "throwaway" nuclear workers http://t.co/3ocM02B
23:16 from web
RT @tbs_newsi: 小笠原諸島、「世界遺産」に決定 http://cgi.tbs.co.jp/n/JyDY
23:17 from web
RT @nhk_news: 小笠原諸島 世界遺産登録決定 http://nhk.jp/N3wL5lqv #nhk_news
23:18 from web
RT @AJEnglish: #US troops will start pulling out this year but are #Afghan security forces ready to take control of their country? http: ...
23:24 from web (Re: @ArimaShishiemon)
@ArimaShishiemon お疲れ様です。頭が下がります。代理人とご連絡、ご教示いただくのが一番かと。TKCや第一法規にもすぐ記載ないでしょう...。
by hyperwizard on Twitter